o o o o o f
as much as my cruel heart has to say it
you did a smexy job as mod
so gl
and chugg nuggs
as much as my cruel heart has to say it
you did a smexy job as mod
so gl
and chugg nuggs
Hey, Taryn U muted warned me several times. Actually i liked u muting me. Have fun with college and periods
Thanks <3Awwwwww gl with life and dont drink too much wodka because it is bad for your healthy hook me up
Nuggs all the way! and Thanks <3 o o o o o fo o o o o f
as much as my cruel heart has to say it
you did a smexy job as mod
so gl
and chugg nuggs
Haha cooole boyAwwwwww gl with life and dont drink too much wodka because it is bad for your healthy hook me up
Awh, thanks <3 and told you i wouldn't get itTaryn, Taryn, Taryn.
For a while I kept saying to you about you getting Admin, and you'd tell me again and again that you wouldn't be getting it. It seems you were correct in the end. For real, you've been one of the best people on Fox's Staff team, and gonna be a f*cking heavy loss to 'em. You're also my best friend and you know, you're small and stuff. Keep in contact with me, obviously.
But yeah, Fox'll miss you. Good on you, retiring and stuff though, to focus on your life. <3
Oh this happened.Hello Foxcrafters.
I have decided to resign from the staff team and focus on other things within my life. Thank you to everyone who has supported me throughout my staff journey.
Thanks to Ron, @Avy_ , @Snaz_ and @TotalKaeru for helping me get onto the team and thanks to @cloakfox and @11kobeer for accepting me.
Further thanks to @iBrady for keeping me on the staff team and answering questions when needed.
Thankyou to all Foxcraft players for being amazing people and sending reports about misbehaving players.
It's been a busy 4 1/2 months.
You may see me on the server still for a little while. But as a staff member...
Tqzz / Tazziish