Total Inactivity apology

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So I said on my status I'd post about my in-game inactivity. So lemme just explain this in a way that I hope you'll understand.
I'm currently in my second year of college, and I had suspected due to a change in the timetable that I was gonna be fine settling back in again. Oh boy was I mistaken.
The first tonne of units we were given require us to know a language of code known as C#, a Microsoft language that is quite complex. As well as this, a new theory aspect popped up knwon as OOP, or Object Oriented Programming. Think for the code for Minecraft, that's an OOP program. You can look it up if you want for context, but just knows it a lot more different than I imagined. The theory of OOP I've gotten my head mostly around. But it's the code of C# I'm deeply struggling with. And it's not like I have a lot of time to learn it. I believe I'm in week 3 or 4 out of 17. That many weeks to learn and become proficient enough in the language to build an application and build a game. I have a lot to do.
I'm not completely inactive however, the staff can vouch that behind the scenes I'm interacting, giving feedback and trynna help out as much as I can.
As well as this, reports have been hard to handle because my phone recently broke suddenly, long story short. So I had to get my new phone and reinstall Minechat (which on my part, didn't set up until a week or two with my phone, my bad).
I am stupidly Discord active. If you want Mme ever just hit me up on that because I practically spend my life on it. I even got to chat with some of you yesterday when we had a large Discord call for no apparent reason.
I'll probably live soon once I get a better grasp on my college work. But for now just uh, wait on me I guess.
I'll try handle reports a bit better now as for a while I haven't been handling em at all I will admit.
Apologies for my lack of effort, this thread is me kicking myself in the back and forcing me to do a bit more.
Expect to see me a bit more as the weeks go by I guess.
Kind regards,
- Total
[doublepost=1506855073,1506854901][/doublepost]Not gonna be able to do much today because I'm out but ykno
Schoolie first bro :p
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Totally unforgivable.

Nah, all jokes aside, your personal life matters much more than a Minecraft server. Hope you get the stuff you need and such, Terny.
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