Told you The Empire will fall lol

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You say your, back but I still see less of you and your members on now.. and whos to say when you'll up and leave your members with out warning, again! when you get "board" you start a team you should run it, after all you are the leader Ksmudger, well now, past Leader. you left your team to Hans. he's the leader now. or did you kick him to take over the team you left behind? lol, if you only knew all the things they sad about you when you left them.. honestly I would have not let most of them back in the team. but you'll take anyone to make your team big, right? well the proof is you and your team's childish fighting among each other all the time. but what do I know, I'm just a bystander...... watching it all..... Ksmudger.
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