Timed out

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Known Member
Jun 5, 2020
Hi everyone,

I unfortunately got timed out in the discord for 7 days because I was telling the truth.
This means I won't be able to help you guys... You'll have to wait 7 days before you can get any help cause most of the mods don't do sht.

Kind regards,
just dont be toxic doesnt matter if you tell the truth its nice that ur trying to help but dont be rude to cloak he is doing his best + if you think staff aint good apply and try to better the team :D
the point is that cloak doesn't understand what I'm trying to say... and ye maybe it was a little toxic... I've def tried to apply but get denied for no reason at all, but I haven't tried since Laylah is CM cause I'm too inactive... I don't like to play on sht servers. It's not only me who thinks these things about the server and staff team, I'm just the only one who dares to talk about it
the point is that cloak doesn't understand what I'm trying to say... and ye maybe it was a little toxic... I've def tried to apply but get denied for no reason at all, but I haven't tried since Laylah is CM cause I'm too inactive... I don't like to play on sht servers. It's not only me who thinks these things about the server and staff team, I'm just the only one who dares to talk about it
then stop playing
The extreme amount of toxic remarks you've made over the past few months are absolutely unacceptable and are most definitely not welcomed in this community. Even in this post you take the chance to badmouth the staff-team. This says alot about your nature and I strongly suggest you take these 7 days to work on your behavior.

If you feel like the punishment you were giving was incorrect / unfair feel free to fill out an appeal ticket here.

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