Thoughts on the skyblock update?

What do you think about the new skyblock server?

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We better just stop. Your both right in one way shape or form, but this thread is made to gather information, and I don't think you want a staff member to close this.
I haven't played it yet, but judging by these comments above, PvP is gonna be crap for me. If the lag is as horrible as @MD2013 describes it, I might just quit. XD
Ok so I just got home from vacation! I get on forums and see and update I read it and... I just know it sucks gel. The perks of the FoxKing and mysticfox! Like we already have /pet with flying pets we can ride! Put know you want to add in /God and / speed and all this crap. Honestly, Factions turned to crap. So I was just like ok I'll just play skyblock. Now you want to change that too. @cloakfox this is killing the server. This is the only server I have ever donated to and it has been my favorite! And I think I speak for a lot of people when I say you just need I change it back the only thing I like about this update is /pv! So please consider changing it back to the way it was skyblock is my favorite mode on Foxcraft and I would like to be skyblock not factions or creative! Just skyblock! I would rather have a reset with the old stuff then my island now with this update as these perks! And for those for you who say the update is amazing, your not looking from most people point of view where they have skyfox or Member rank and they can't fly or go into /god! And wen if I did have FoxKing I would like these perks! Please change it back! @cloakfox and @Affixes
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