Thoughts On Foxcraft.

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4 pages of this and not 1 decent reply to Cloaks request. All I have seen is heresay and conjecture and an owner needing a huge dose of copium.

I have not experienced bad moderation personally but this is not to say it does not exist. As Cloak has stated over and over, there is recent work being done with staff. Since I have had no problems with staff I am going to say that yes Cloak, things are heading in the RIGHT direction.

My recent departure from the server is solely based on a players behavior and nothing to do with Foxcraft, its owner or staff.
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4 pages of this and not 1 decent reply to Cloaks request. All I have seen is heresay and conjecture and an owner needing a huge dose of copium.

I have not experienced bad moderation personally but this is not to say it does not exist. As Cloak has stated over and over, there is recent work being done with staff. Since I have had no problems with staff I am going to say that yes Cloak, things are heading in the RIGHT direction.

My recent departure from the server is solely based on a players behavior and nothing to do with Foxcraft, its owner or staff.

There will be more redstone posts, once I get over being mad. Foxcraft is too good a server to leave permanently. I am cooling off still, which takes me awhile, i can really hold a grudge. bbs
Yo guys, what are "these issues"

please specify or explain, I only see a bunch of complaints from old blacklisted players, that dont even play on the server :/
I am tryna play but u don't give me a chance anymore so i guess it's over Foxcraft kingdoms did die because of me getting banned u cannot lie about that. But even if i do actually feel bad yall don't give me a chance because u guys don't want a toxic community even tho im not always the only one. Players like @progio did laughed at me when i got banned and everything and even tho when we asked for something he just said no. But just because i am a known player for bad things he did not get demoted or anything.. That's just sad
yes there is, Foxcraft staff system always consists of favouritism admit it or not any past management or staff member well know Foxcraft staff system is based on favouritism
He made you wait 2 years to get unbanned that will deffintly happen to me asswel even tho i feel bad and its already been 6 months
4 pages of this and not 1 decent reply to Cloaks request. All I have seen is heresay and conjecture and an owner needing a huge dose of copium.

I have not experienced bad moderation personally but this is not to say it does not exist. As Cloak has stated over and over, there is recent work being done with staff. Since I have had no problems with staff I am going to say that yes Cloak, things are heading in the RIGHT direction.

My recent departure from the server is solely based on a players behavior and nothing to do with Foxcraft, its owner or staff.
Minecraft Screenshot 2021.09.15 - (2).png
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Speaking from my experiance as helper for a few months, not much I said had any bearings or effect despite making suggestions. I've had many experiances with staff intentionally stretching the truth of situations to get a few extra punishments in almost as if it was meant to boost their stats, such as when I told my friend to die in kitpvp whilst he was in lava but was muted for suicidal encouragement even after my friend explained the situation. Staffing was quite annoying as head staff were hypocritical about rules like giving false warnings even to myself as a joke. I've seen time and time again multiple great communities get neglected such as that I advocate most for, prison.

As someone that has played on the prison server for many years, and has made countless suggestions, asked to see new map changes to help gage a community oppinion of it, and much more, I have seen no improvement, and have seen none of these ideas, or even bug fixes, come to light. The prison reset is currently 2 months overdue, with no changes made in the past year. Every map has been repetative or bad, with no changes to the main style of the game. Instead of getting community feedback, you have staff who don't play the mode dictate what the map will look like and how the game will work. This is just an example of how the server needs help.

You (staff and cloak) need to be more open to the community and be more transparent. Maybe have a page showing future plans instead of making forums posts every now and again about an update in 3 days to engage everyone else. Have staff that play on all gamemodes, and specifically chose people, or even search for specific people you see playing, to work on a gamemode so there can be a connection between all parts of the server and the staff team.
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Also the censorship in chat is way to oversensative. You shouldn't have plugins that get so in the way of talking that you have to constantly rewrite your messages. You guys are way too sensative and that needs to change.
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