Thoughts On Foxcraft.

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Nov 16, 2016
Hello everyone, I am vcqx also known as Strafe im just going to speak out on my thoughts of the toxicity within Foxcraft, you dont have to agree with me or hate me for this i am just voicing my opinion about Foxcraft. And will probably get banned for this so :eek:
This server has a lot of toxicity within the staff team and i think its unfair for players to not have a say, Because every time they do they are being silenced by being banned. their messages deleted, or being muted in-game. We all want the server we love to have a good friendly environment and good relationships between the staff team and the players within the community, But we cant because staff love to be sensitive in every manner and because they have the power they overuse it and abuse it to what fit their needs. Starting off the server needs staff members who are active and can do a good job at monitoring the server. I dont understand why old demoted staff members are getting the chance to be staff again and then going inactive again??? You get 100s of applications for people to fit the job to be staff and you chose the same people who got demoted and they proved they cant do it right the first time so they get another chance? You have staff members who get away with lots of silly punishments but they have higher staff who have their back so they dont get in trouble for it, this is where the toxicity comes in. The management need to take more responsibility to ensure the players and the staff are happy. A big reason why Foxcraft is successful today is because of the community and if you push away the community you lose what you gained and with this staff team that is the case. Personally speaking whatever i do or say is silenced by me being banned on multiple platforms and that way the staff team can get away with it because they ban me and that way i cant reach out for any issues i have. No one will speak out on the toxicity within the staff team but i am today and i hope it creates awareness because this is unfair on players like myself who have dedicated many many years for to be treated badly after dedicating so much time and love to this server. This is for not every member in the team because there is members who do a really good job im just speaking on an overall point of view.
i know im being banned after this but i am speaking up for those who have to deal with the toxicity, and will fight for change.

Hope You Understand :)
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This is so True. Yesterday, I was Playing Oneblock Glacier and My [inv] command wasn't working ( It just popped up in chat ) and someone wanted to see my armor. I tried doing [inv] 2 times and it didn't work. I displayed my armor ( which was 4 chats ) and got warned by a staff member even though he cleary saw my [inv] wasn't working....
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I love this community and I want nothing but the best for it, but it always seems to let me down with stuff like this. I've been an active member for like 8 years now, so I've been through it all, including being a staff member for 2 of those years. That being said, I haven't really been on the server much within the past year, so I can't speak on most of the current staff so much, but I definitely saw this happening with a lot of the old staff members Foxcraft has had. The unfortunate truth is, most of the time becoming a staff member was the first time these people had any "power" in their lives, or felt like "the boss" so they didn't know how to handle it and immediately went to corruption instead of using it to better the server or truly helping the community. Another unfortunate thing I've seen a lot over the years is staff being biased towards people, whether it be favoritism and not punishing someone for something obviously wrong, or having a personal issue against someone and throwing the book at them for the smallest things (Like sorry the server was lagging and all TWO of the messages that I sent, sent at once.) I guarantee this thread will be deleted here soon enough, and that is definitely one of the major issues this community has, and always has had, is not being able to voice your opinion without it being suppressed. I know so many members of this community, who were around for years, who either have fully left or are in the process of leaving it and only come around once in a blue moon, and it's all due to the same reasons. A lot of people, including myself, grew up playing this server and I know quite a few who would immediately become active in the community again if these issues were solved. (Sorry if this seems all over the place, I was typing it while preoccupied with other stuff and didn't proofread)
Personally for me staffing has been a rollercoaster after the past good few years.
I believe fox staffing can be a mentally unhealthy place because I’ve struggled myself, don’t get me wrong being staff does have it ups but there’s also it’s downs like how you think you can trust others and they go against you. However that sometimes can be like the real world just not as severe. I agree with Yoahi on “The unfortunate truth is, most of the time becoming a staff member was the first time these people had any "power" in their lives, or felt like "the boss" so they didn't know how to handle it and immediately went to corruption instead of using it to better the server or truly helping the community. Another unfortunate thing I've seen a lot over the years is staff being biased towards people, whether it be favoritism and not punishing someone for something obviously wrong, or having a personal issue against someone and throwing the book at them for the smallest things (Like sorry the server was lagging and all TWO of the messages that I sent, sent at once.)” It does feel like you have more authority over others because in reality you do, your monitoring chat and catching hackers but it can be taken to an extreme and punishments can be some of the silliest of things.
I personally feel like Favouritism is something that will likely never be “solved” it happens in the real world too.
I’m too tired to say anything else :)
You see, It's more than just the staff.

I returned Foxcraft a couple months ago just to test out the new OneBlock Which i fell in love with!
While playing I was messaged by an old player (I will not say for reasons ) Which reminded me of the past i had with them, It wasn't pretty but they came up to me with very creepy texts. After years of reports and feeling very unsafe within the Foxcraft community they was banned. The issue originally happened in 2016 when i was very vulnerable, and they completely ruined my Foxcraft experience. After my reports over 3-4 years actions was finally taken.. It took to long.. . ACTIONS was only taken when someone else reported... and funny enough the player who also made a report was best friends with a CM (Weird huh?).... I care for the other younger players who was being groomed and pressured by the same person... BUT nothing was done until a best friend of the CM made a report.

Adding onto this, My staff experience was great, apart from the times the staff team allowed players to chat **** and expose things about me in private message (./msg) I was punished by the CM at the time for warning players for Staff disrespect... As some of you may know I was demoted, I have no reasoning why, (Which i still believe was abuse as I wasn't favorited by the Cm at the time) the Cm after that told me what I did but I was never given any proof of this..

Even though the staff is sometimes toxic, It's mainly the community itself, as staff are all so close they only EVER be on one server, they never spread out on the network, So this allows players to bully other players, I currently do not play as i get harassed by a player, who is very self centered and believes they are the best. This attitude they have changes when staff are online.. I am not the first person to experience verbal abuse from that player..

The current staff team needs to go.. I'm sorry but Foxcraft need Staff who are committed to doing their jobs, who aren't getting chosen as they are 'best friends', Cloakfox needs to personally pick the staff himself, people who have been wanting the chance to do the job properly... Not staff who are choosing their friends, so they can all ignore players who need help.. So Foxcraft community can be punished properly when needed as there is on going issues that are making players quit daily.

I agree with Strafe's message. Please think about the message and we hope something is done about it.
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You see, It's more than just the staff.

I returned Foxcraft a couple months ago just to test out the new OneBlock Which i fell in love with!
While playing I was messaged by an old player (I will not say for reasons ) Which reminded me of the past i had with them, It wasn't pretty but they came up to me with very creepy texts. After years of reports and feeling very unsafe within the Foxcraft community they was banned. The issue originally happened in 2016 when i was very vulnerable, and they completely ruined my Foxcraft experience. After my reports over 3-4 years actions was finally taken.. It took to long.. . ACTIONS was only taken when someone else reported... and funny enough the player who also made a report was best friends with a CM (Weird huh?).... I care for the other younger players who was being groomed and pressured by the same person... BUT nothing was done until a best friend of the CM made a report.

Adding onto this, My staff experience was great, apart from the times the staff team allowed players to chat **** and expose things about me in private message (./msg) I was punished by the CM at the time for warning players for Staff disrespect... As some of you may know I was demoted, I have no reasoning why, (Which i still believe was abuse as I wasn't favorited by the Cm at the time) the Cm after that told me what I did but I was never given any proof of this..

Even though the staff is sometimes toxic, It's mainly the community itself, as staff are all so close they only EVER be on one server, they never spread out on the network, So this allows players to bully other players, I currently do not play as i get harassed by a player, who is very self centered and believes they are the best. This attitude they have changes when staff are online.. I am not the first person to experience verbal abuse from that player..

The current staff team needs to go.. I'm sorry but Foxcraft need Staff who are committed to doing their jobs, who aren't getting chosen as they are 'best friends', Cloakfox needs to personally pick the staff himself, people who have been wanting the chance to do the job properly... Not staff who are choosing their friends, so they can all ignore players who need help.. So Foxcraft community can be punished properly when needed as there is on going issues that are making players quit daily.

I agree with Strafe's message. Please think about the message and we hope something is done about it.
I agree, I think Cloakfox should individually hand pick the staff team and not let other Foxcraft staff have a say in who should become staff. If staff members like a certain person they will vote for them, but that doesn't necessarily mean they had the best application out of the 50 or so people that applied. This makes it unfair for people that applied for staff.
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I agree, I think Cloakfox should individually hand pick the staff team and not let other Foxcraft staff have a say in who should become staff. If staff members like a certain person they will vote for them, but that doesn't necessarily mean they had the best application out of the 50 or so people that applied. This makes it unfair for people that applied for staff.
I don't know if they changed the system or not over the last year or 2 but they had the CM's pick the staff members and if there was any they wanted a second opinion on they'd ask cloak. If he doesn't like someone they don't get accepted.

For everything else i can somewhat agree with what everybody else is saying about some staff members. I'm going to mirror what was said before and say most people who get staff for the first time don't actually think of the consequences are of what they do. They take the oath and swear to it but throw it aside the first chance they get and abuse it. Sometimes there are those shining ones in the rounds that are very good staff and take their job seriously but most times people do it for the thrill. They take their job seriously until they get a promotion then they slack off or become very rude and toxic. I'm not coming down on anyone in particular I'm just speaking from experience. The only real thing they can do is actually stick to their requirements they've got listed on the forums. A lot of the staff members i've seen get accepted over the last several months don't meet at least 2 of the requirements. When i was on the team i saw some applications get skipped over because a few of the people who applied were staff before. I understand being hesitant about accepting new players on the team because what if they mess up? but if you don't give them the chance they will never learn how to do the job right the first time.
I really haven't met all the staff team, so I can't give my opinion very well on this. But I do truly hope there is or will be a good bond between staff and the others. I hope you don't get banned for voicing your opinion as it should be allowed. In the end, we were all just trying to play some Minecraft.
You get 100s of applications
Fox gets 100 players?

Personally I believe that there needs to be more egirls on the staff team who don't actually have perms to do anything but bring in more of a male audience to the server. That then attracts a lot of older creepy men who probably have experience being in a position of power either in the office or in bed. Once a couple of them get accepted as helper it will cause staff relationships to form between the old creepy men and the younger egirls. They will comment on each others forum pages daily saying very strange things half of which don't even make sense like "You are pwetty turtle uwu" -Old creepy man. Now here is where it can go one of two ways. The first way is the older man abuses his powers to defend his egirl and eventually gets demoted and becomes very depressed and edgy trashing this amazing server. The second thing that could happen is the older man randomly disappears most likely going to prison for statutory rape and the whole relationship just stops and the egirl eventually becomes inactive due to loneliness. Seeing that both ways you will likely lose one to two staff members who were useless anyways the community manager will have to accept some more applications. Strafe creates a fake account during all the drama beforehand and builds credit on the server. The community manager sees such an amazing person's application and is completely blown away and instantly gives them admin. Congrats Strafe now secretly has admin again. Strafe being the best egirl picker-upper will attract golden egirls who are actually qualified to be at most mod. Once Strafe gets community manager I'll come in as the roll of Jr. CM as I once was before and together will build the most elite staff team ever seen on Foxcraft. The rules will be enforced as if we are playing a 10 year old block game for children on a dying server as in they won't really be harsh but enough that we still have fun with the goobers of the server. That's my foolproof plan that should be initiated right away! Also just bring back OG factions?

#Strafe4CM #MakeFoxcraftGreatAgain #PedosWillSaveUs
Fox gets 100 players?

Personally I believe that there needs to be more egirls on the staff team who don't actually have perms to do anything but bring in more of a male audience to the server. That then attracts a lot of older creepy men who probably have experience being in a position of power either in the office or in bed. Once a couple of them get accepted as helper it will cause staff relationships to form between the old creepy men and the younger egirls. They will comment on each others forum pages daily saying very strange things half of which don't even make sense like "You are pwetty turtle uwu" -Old creepy man. Now here is where it can go one of two ways. The first way is the older man abuses his powers to defend his egirl and eventually gets demoted and becomes very depressed and edgy trashing this amazing server. The second thing that could happen is the older man randomly disappears most likely going to prison for statutory rape and the whole relationship just stops and the egirl eventually becomes inactive due to loneliness. Seeing that both ways you will likely lose one to two staff members who were useless anyways the community manager will have to accept some more applications. Strafe creates a fake account during all the drama beforehand and builds credit on the server. The community manager sees such an amazing person's application and is completely blown away and instantly gives them admin. Congrats Strafe now secretly has admin again. Strafe being the best egirl picker-upper will attract golden egirls who are actually qualified to be at most mod. Once Strafe gets community manager I'll come in as the roll of Jr. CM as I once was before and together will build the most elite staff team ever seen on Foxcraft. The rules will be enforced as if we are playing a 10 year old block game for children on a dying server as in they won't really be harsh but enough that we still have fun with the goobers of the server. That's my foolproof plan that should be initiated right away! Also just bring back OG factions?

#Strafe4CM #MakeFoxcraftGreatAgain #PedosWillSaveUs
**** me in the ***
Hello everyone, I am vcqx also known as Strafe im just going to speak out on my thoughts of the toxicity within Foxcraft, you dont have to agree with me or hate me for this i am just voicing my opinion about Foxcraft. And will probably get banned for this so :eek:
This server has a lot of toxicity within the staff team and i think its unfair for players to not have a say, Because every time they do they are being silenced by being banned. their messages deleted, or being muted in-game. We all want the server we love to have a good friendly environment and good relationships between the staff team and the players within the community, But we cant because staff love to be sensitive in every manner and because they have the power they overuse it and abuse it to what fit their needs. Starting off the server needs staff members who are active and can do a good job at monitoring the server. I dont understand why old demoted staff members are getting the chance to be staff again and then going inactive again??? You get 100s of applications for people to fit the job to be staff and you chose the same people who got demoted and they proved they cant do it right the first time so they get another chance? You have staff members who get away with lots of silly punishments but they have higher staff who have their back so they dont get in trouble for it, this is where the toxicity comes in. The management need to take more responsibility to ensure the players and the staff are happy. A big reason why Foxcraft is successful today is because of the community and if you push away the community you lose what you gained and with this staff team that is the case. Personally speaking whatever i do or say is silenced by me being banned on multiple platforms and that way the staff team can get away with it because they ban me and that way i cant reach out for any issues i have. No one will speak out on the toxicity within the staff team but i am today and i hope it creates awareness because this is unfair on players like myself who have dedicated many many years for to be treated badly after dedicating so much time and love to this server. This is for not every member in the team because there is members who do a really good job im just speaking on an overall point of view.
i know im being banned after this but i am speaking up for those who have to deal with the toxicity, and will fight for change.

Hope You Understand :)
Hi guys,

first time you’re hearing from me since I resigned oopsie! As and old staff member I saw the different types of staff members in the team. I’ve been playing Foxcraft since 2014 and I have to say: things really changed. When I became Helper and I joined the gamemode Kingdoms for the first time, I immediately got called out for ‘another person who wants to ruin their freedom on the server’. I started to join kingdoms a lot more just to hear these players out. They told me that a few staff members warned, muted or even banned them for the smallest things. When they showed me proof of what they said and why they got muted for like 1 day I felt really bad for them. Same goes for Oneblock (in that time it was just Oneblock, not vulcan or ice). I spoke to a lot of players who experienced the same things. I’ve heard a lot of people say about me that I sometimes was a bit to soft. But let’s be honest, playing Foxcraft became a lot less fun for these players. And these weren’t new players, these guys had been playing for so long! They put so much time, effort and money in it and for what? Don’t get me wrong, not every ban or anything they got was for nothing. They did some very bad stuff sometimes. But just because they did that doesn’t mean they immediately have to get punished for every small thing they say or do. Can we accept the fact that I can tell everyone here at least 8 names who quit playing because if this? Since I’m not online anymore I can’t say anything about the staffteam now. I just think that Strafe has a point. And people deserve to know the truth.
I agree, I think Cloakfox should individually hand pick the staff team and not let other Foxcraft staff have a say in who should become staff. If staff members like a certain person they will vote for them, but that doesn't necessarily mean they had the best application out of the 50 or so people that applied. This makes it unfair for people that applied for staff.

I don’t think that they should be individually picked by cloak, a CM needs to be really fair to each person on the team and treat everyone the same no matter what age, gender etc. Each staff can give their opinion on a player which is good as it can give positives and negatives for each individual. This then gives the CM an opportunity to look at other individuals and maybe give them a chance, I really hope more people are given chances even despite things from way in the past, or whether they are a fairly newer player. On the other hand it’s also the community, they also put pressure on who to get staff and tend to bully newer players once they’ve become staff and been like “who are you” “no one knows you I bet you’re trash” and that doesn’t help future applications either.
Yeah, I'm going to paraphrase tqzz above me in saying it's good all staff used to get to input their opinions on each applicant because then it could give the whole team insight on a person. Like, say Applicant A applied and everyone likes his application but Staff Member C knows this person is extremely toxic and has a bad history. They could let them all know so they think a little more about accepting that person. It should also be noted that someone may have a bad history with the server but if it has been a few years since it happened they should be given a chance to redeem themselves. I'm sure this is something that probably does get taken into account now but I'm going to say it just for the sake of saying it.

Taking what Amp said into account it's something that's a common theme with this server that's happened for as long as I can remember. Some people get staff to abuse, some people get it to help the server. Having someone new on the staff team never goes well with 100% of the community because if they don't know the person they assume they'll suck at the job so they'll be toxic to them and then get even more toxic if that staff member punishes them. It's a never-ending cycle that unfortunately, we can't break. There will always be people who quit because they get abused by specific staff and even if the staff gets reported depending on what it is nothing gets done against them.
Moral of the story is its a never-ending repeating cycle that will take some serious work to break
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Hello everyone, I am vcqx also known as Strafe im just going to speak out on my thoughts of the toxicity within Foxcraft, you dont have to agree with me or hate me for this i am just voicing my opinion about Foxcraft. And will probably get banned for this so :eek:
This server has a lot of toxicity within the staff team and i think its unfair for players to not have a say, Because every time they do they are being silenced by being banned. their messages deleted, or being muted in-game. We all want the server we love to have a good friendly environment and good relationships between the staff team and the players within the community, But we cant because staff love to be sensitive in every manner and because they have the power they overuse it and abuse it to what fit their needs. Starting off the server needs staff members who are active and can do a good job at monitoring the server. I dont understand why old demoted staff members are getting the chance to be staff again and then going inactive again??? You get 100s of applications for people to fit the job to be staff and you chose the same people who got demoted and they proved they cant do it right the first time so they get another chance? You have staff members who get away with lots of silly punishments but they have higher staff who have their back so they dont get in trouble for it, this is where the toxicity comes in. The management need to take more responsibility to ensure the players and the staff are happy. A big reason why Foxcraft is successful today is because of the community and if you push away the community you lose what you gained and with this staff team that is the case. Personally speaking whatever i do or say is silenced by me being banned on multiple platforms and that way the staff team can get away with it because they ban me and that way i cant reach out for any issues i have. No one will speak out on the toxicity within the staff team but i am today and i hope it creates awareness because this is unfair on players like myself who have dedicated many many years for to be treated badly after dedicating so much time and love to this server. This is for not every member in the team because there is members who do a really good job im just speaking on an overall point of view.
i know im being banned after this but i am speaking up for those who have to deal with the toxicity, and will fight for change.

Hope You Understand :)
my friend got muted because he showed his armor with [i ] and not [inv]

Foxcraft started off as just a casual server/hobby for cloak and as time went on and more d*tch players joined the server became unplayable. Jokes aside, Foxcraft is now a business and cloak's main income. He has all these strict rules, chat filters and upped and ridiculous levels of moderation so that 6-12 year olds that join the server don't immediately leave after being threatened by Jihadists in chat like me with my terroristic mother jokes. Instead, with all these moderation standards, kids end up staying and spending their parent's money on the server, earning cloak fat stacks. That's how it works and why it won't be changing.

Yeah I miss the days where there wasn't much of a chat filter at all and you could just banter back and forth with your friends in the public chat and not worry about catching a [3RD OFFENCE INAPPROPRIATE CONTENT] for building a peewee near spawn, but Foxcraft has changed in it's nature and will now only deliver the cookie-cutter consumerist experience for mentally-disease ridden children who pour their parent's shekels into the funnel leading to cloak's turkish pizza fund.

I don't really like the staff at all and think they are useless janitors who trade their time away for free to stamp out any edgy form of fun on the server. There can't really be good staff members anymore because the rules and guidelines are so wrapped around kid-friendliness that you end up disliking all the staff for doing their job (though they do it for free).

Shame that Foxcraft went this direction but that's just inevitable reality and props to cloakfox for making it off a minecraft server.
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Yo guys, what are "these issues"

please specify or explain, I only see a bunch of complaints from old blacklisted players, that dont even play on the server :/
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