You make it possibleIt was pathetic of Connor to do this. How much more immature could you be...?

You make it possibleIt was pathetic of Connor to do this. How much more immature could you be...?
tbh they both fucked each other over! LELLeon remember, connor was a down right idiot, sure he helped a lot with the server but when it comes down to it he tried to **** you over (sorry for the language) You sir are a good man and do not let a childish fool try to think he's better then you. (don't hate me players who loved connor)
Connor, I've always enjoyed working with you but it's time to stop. He doesn't put all the money back into the server because this is his job. He has an internship however internships don't pay well or generally anything. Yes, you edited the forums. That was your job that you were paid for. No, it might not have been a lot however it's a game for primarily children, you don't earn much no matter what you do. People might not agree with Affixes however the changes are all with the intention to improve the server. There will be some error, that's to be expected however none of the changes are intended to make the server worse. Everything has it's purpose.
- I will respond to everything you have said, if you delete this then I know you're just full of it.
- Cloakfox decided to ban me and would not let me say what I wanted to say, this is a response to what he has said.
- Incorrect, obviously you do put money back into the server but not all of it. Example is your car which you have admitted to.
- Funny you say that when you hired me in the first place to take a break, the only reason you do this is for the money, lol..
- Affixes will be biased because he is basing his entire opinion on what you have told him, he has not even considered my side of the story.
- As for TheLightMC, he was my friend, if I remember correctly I was the one who introduced him to Foxcraft, I don't really care who backs you up frankly, I just wanted to say that.
- ???? What??? I never said that anywhere in my video so I will go ahead and disregard that, wtf..
- You DID. I said in my video that you made the forums, you made the base. But I brought it to life, I made the major improvents such as all the threads, all the applications everything. All that was me. Let me tell you what I made.
- - All staff related threads such as Forum rules (not server that was 11kobeer) and all regulatory posts.
- - I created all the staff colors
- - I created all the staff color tags
- - I created "Retired Staff Member" (which cloakfox hasn't re-added because he doesn't give a ****)
- - I created "Friend Rank" (which cloakfox hasn't re-added because AGAIn, he doesn't give a ****)
- - I created the Staff List and maintained it.
- As you can see cloakfox made the base, but I made the forums more personal and more unique, him deleting me took that all away, all the work I did was his and I couldn't stand it.
- Yes, you say you're "working your *** off" I don't care how you are working it, what you are doing, or should I say AFFIXES is doing. Is ruining your server.
- You are greedy, the only reason you do this is for your own money. I am not ASKING for money, I am saying anyone that wants a SERVER that is what Foxcraft used to be they can help me start it. They are not required nor do I want their money, but if they want to contribute then they can. I am only just giving them that opportunity, prick.
- To be honest, I was too damn lazy to respond to it so I deleted it but whatever, I would put it back if that would make you feel a bit better. I don't think I can however..
- "Last but not least, the user shared private information wich will be taken care of soon.
- Again a childish move.
- These are my final words against this whole matter, I already moved on."
- LOL, you mean this?
- Yeah, I looked up on the YouTube rules, I have every right to present this information, maybe before trying to report it and get the video down you should think twice and read the damn privacy rules.
- Privacy pertains to the IDENTITY of an individual, not your buycraft records. So go ahead and report it, because YouTube is just going to laugh at it.
- However, if it displays your full name and contact information then oh no I guess i'm screwed. (Don't worry I TRIPLE checked and it doesn't)
I would respond but cloakfox will ban this account and I can't say anything backConnor, I've always enjoyed working with you but it's time to stop. He doesn't put all the money back into the server because this is his job. He has an internship however internships don't pay well or generally anything. Yes, you edited the forums. That was your job that you were paid for. No, it might not have been a lot however it's a game for primarily children, you don't earn much no matter what you do. People might not agree with Affixes however the changes are all with the intention to improve the server. There will be some error, that's to be expected however none of the changes are intended to make the server worse. Everything has it's purpose.
You say you don't want there money but at the end you ask them to support you? Why would you do that? Oh wait, it's because ALL servers need money. As mentioned in my post above, servers have lots of costs. Everything costs money and you yourself need it too. That's not being greedy, it's facing the facts. The server is NOT pay to win by any means, go look at other servers if you don't believe me. He's been very fair and has invested sooo much money back into advertising for the server. He didn't have to do that yet every month that he can afford it, he buys advertisements.
You took that screenshot from a private source of information. Even if Youtube decides not to do something, it's still wrong to publicly share. You were trusted with that and you posted it online for everybody. While it's public information, I want you to realize that's over the course of over 4 years. After spending years of his life on this to provide content for the players, he has earned less than an average McDonalds worker. Let that sink in because he's been maintaining the server for you guys for FOUR YEARS because he enjoys doing it. He's not greedy and cares about his server more than anyone I've met.
You had your chances, and your rewards, it's your own fault for screwing it up.I would respond but cloakfox will ban this account and I can't say anything back
You have some points but what's the point of me trying to talk if the dictator continues to ban my accounts?
[doublepost=1461540719,1461540424][/doublepost]Look, I apologised to everyone in the video for doing what I did.
I deleted the forums, it was obviously not in my best interest.
It was not the maturist thing to do.
I was angry with cloakfox for, after all these years, he takes away my forums account and all that I have done because I resigned. I resigned with a drama post I know, but after all I have done, I just wanted to stick around on the forums.
I deleted the forums because I was pissed and wasn't thinking straight.
Maybe the release of his own crap isn't mature either.
I. Just. Want. SOMETHING. For all I have done, it feels as though I was cheated, stolen from, the $500 I worked for was taken back because HE was mad at me, which I understand I probably would do the same.
I just never got what I thought I deserved, I did so much and received so little, I just felt cheated, and so I acted irrationally.
I'm sorry to everyone including cloakfox, all I wanted, was some sort of reward for all the work I had done for the server, but to be cheated out of it, used, I just was so shocked that it happened so quickly.
If you can forgive me, then I would be grateful, I just.. I'm sorry.
You blew everything up by creating it.If Leon wants to talk to me, I am willing to talk, to sort out this bullshit, you have to understand, LEON, after all I have done, shouldn't I deserve something?
IGNORE the drama, just go back to when I was quitting, don't I deserve SOMETHING? ANYTHING?
I only created it because I was angry at what I recieved after years of working under you.You blew everything up by creating it.
Yet here we are, I went to sleep since when you messaged me at like 3 AM, to wake up the next morning seeing all the hard work destroyed.I only created it because I was angry at what I recieved after years of working under you.
All I wanted was some sort of compensation, and you ignored me, blew me off like I was nobody.
If you have a heart you will understand where I am coming from. Just for a second, think about your loyal staff member, the one who stood by you for years, you, in the end with that one little skype conversation, blew off.
[doublepost=1461541017,1461540942][/doublepost]I ruined what I had started through drama, I know i'm my own asshole in my own way.
It's just.. I.. I don't know what to say, I was angry, I was sad, just all these emotions mixed up, it has nothing to do with drama, I was sad because I thought you were my friend, that you would understand, yet here we are..
I hate how money can create this bull ****, it doesn't have to be money, Leon.Yet here we are, I went to sleep since when you messaged me at like 3 AM, to wake up the next morning seeing all the hard work destroyed.
I respect that you take down your video. And I wish we could have.I hate how money can create this bull ****, it doesn't have to be money, Leon.
I just wanted to be recognized, thanked fully for all the stuff I have done, all the money I personally made for you.
I am sorry I ruined something you worked for.
I was a ****, a child, I was mad, it made me somebody I was not.
Before I leave, I just want you to realize I am not that person, I never was.. Something else came out of me, it's just.. After all this time, years of work thrown away, it gets to you, ok?
[doublepost=1461541225,1461541170][/doublepost]I will take down the video, as a sign I never wanted any of this, in the end I truly only wanted to make up with you, to part ways as friends.
But I can't take it back now.
I hate how money can create this bull ****, it doesn't have to be money, Leon.
I just wanted to be recognized, thanked fully for all the stuff I have done, all the money I personally made for you.
I am sorry I ruined something you worked for.
I was a ****, a child, I was mad, it made me somebody I was not.
Before I leave, I just want you to realize I am not that person, I never was.. Something else came out of me, it's just.. After all this time, years of work thrown away, it gets to you, ok?
[doublepost=1461541225,1461541170][/doublepost]I will take down the video, as a sign I never wanted any of this, in the end I truly only wanted to make up with you, to part ways as friends.
But I can't take it back now.