The new season of Factions @cloakfox

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Mar 7, 2016
North Korea
Greetings all the still existent members of Foxcraft. And @cloakfox
Today I'm going to bring up some suggestions about changes to Fox. Factions, considering the reset should (last reset was Jan. 19).

I know custom enchants are already being added, just want to point out how asinine removing them was (considering the two seasons they were removed was the two that Factions died with).
Also, add back the custom enchants like:
Rejuvination, Regeneration, Life, Auto Speed, Auto Jump, Well fed, Nightvision, Waterbreathing, Blindness, Slowness, Venom, Ice Aspect, Withering,...
Add MCMMO (its very useful for custom enchants) but cap everything at about 500

Keep as is. Default 25 per player

F missions
Add /f missions (more info if you Google it, quite fun)
(More here

Mix them up. Add new things.
-Armor, enchant books, higher cash values, Notch apples, custom enchanted gear/weapons, Mcmmo, etc...

F top
Re-add hoppers to f top
Make the dragon egg worth $50,000,000 so it's actually useful
Make silverfish spawners $10,000,000 for the same reason

Make lava scatterable
Additionally, add a 80 wall limit per base

Decrease it. It's too big for a smaller server. Raids are easier to find within this radius.

Remove punch 7 (max it out at around 4 or 5)
Add bounties
Stop creepers and enderman from stacking (stacking ruins farms for these mobs)
More things to do (for instance, CosmicPvP added Dungeons, a sort of "outpost" where players could fight bosses and get monetary rewards)
Added bosses (overpowered mobs that players can kill for gear, crate keys, money, etc...)

Gen buckets
Keep them but increase their prices

Currently, there is virtually no playerbase. Big factions like Desecrator and Wildfire (17) have quit and left, leaving really no big factions to play. If you want a playerbase, the server has to be essentially bug free, fun (entertaining). Season 1 (the summer of 2016) was, in my opinion, the height of Foxcraft Factions. There were so many good factions, players, and a lot of pvp. We need to recreate that in order to have a flourishing factions server once again!
+1. Only the dragon/silverfish idea is bad.
1 mil for the egg on f top
And 1 mil for the silverfish spawner on f top.

10 and 50 mil is too much
+1. Only the dragon/silverfish idea is bad.
1 mil for the egg on f top
And 1 mil for the silverfish spawner on f top.

10 and 50 mil is too much
no its not
1 million is so easy to get.
did you not see last season
4 factions over 1 bil
2 over 2 bil
1 over 3 bil
1 mil is **** change
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