The End of a Tale. (Ehm, my leaving message, I don't know if anyone still knows me)

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New Member
Mar 12, 2016
Hello there well uh, my name is KazooieMC, but people know me as Pan nowadays. As the title already suggested, it's my time to leave the server. I've been, extremely inactive on it, and the server had simply lost the magic that caused me to stay on it. Foxcraft was what I come back to from school every day, and I've met so many great people- people that played with me every single day, that allowed me to forget how horrible life was at the time. As I grew up and became mature, I realized that the bonds I had with these people were breaking up, which eventually led to my inactivity. When a great friend of mine named Trin left, it was where I decided to finally stop playing on the server. So yeah, if anyone here still remembers me, see ya!
I remember seeing you around different servers, you seem like a good guy. Anyways, goodbye! :)
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