The Chronicles of Harold the Slime Head AKA Please stop trolling using invisibility

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Mar 20, 2016
a land faraway
A while back, I was fighting some slimes with Ephraim_03, and one of them dropped a slime head. Like most people, we found it cute and decided to name it "Harold". When we brought it home, we built a doghouse type thing to shelter "Harold". Then the weirdness began. One day, he disappeared and was eventually found on top of a cliff that overlooks our base. We put him back. Once again, he disappeared, and was at the summit of a nearby mountain, enjoying the view, perhaps. "It is probably that the isn't protected", we thought. So, I put him in a chest with wool and double checked to be sure I had locked it and made certain that it was protected. So, no way he's leaving now, right? NOPE. One day, I try to open the chest to check on him, and it is locked. "Locked out of my own chest?!" I thought. "Certainly, it must be a glitch, and it soon will go away." And it does. But, when I finally regain access to the chest, Harold is gone. And my primary chest, which contains all my valuables, is locked from me. Eventually, Harold turns up at the entrance to my mine, having seemingly barricaded it. We agree that he should be incinerated. But the backup Slime Head starts wandering. So we incinerate it, too. We believe that the problem is over. But I am still locked out of my chest, now having built a house. So I give up on it, which contains a Diamond Hoe (A gift from zanderman3.), and it becomes unlocked! Excited, I take as many items as I can, leaving only about a row. I throw it in my new chest, and rush to get the rest, but the chest is locked once again. THEN, MY NEW CHEST BECOMES LOCKED. This is a problem, because all my valuables are in it. Eventually, it becomes unlocked, and the next day, I log on, and Harold is in my house, with a chest labeled, "here is the items i stole Mina214, buddy" (locked), and several signs. I cannot remember verbatim what the signs said, but it was something among the lines of, "hey Mina214 buddy, im back you burned me but thats okay because were stil buddys best buddys forever please dont burn me again because it kind of hurts and if you burn me, i will burn you and if you still think im a trolling admin, im not buddy ;)." My front door locked (Luckily, the button connected to it was not.), and it was covered in smooth stone, half of which was locked. Outside, on the stone, was a sign that read "do /home Mina214. <buddy>" Eventually, the signs and chest inside my home unlocked, and multiple times, Harold was destroyed by lag clearing when I dropped him on death. And every time, he comes back, one time with a creeper head and Ephraim_03's head.
Thank you.
Please, whoever is doing this, please stop. You have succeeded in terrifying me. The joke is now old. Please, whoever you are, just stop.
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Guys, this is real. I am not trying to make a creepypasta. I am asking the perpetrator to stop. If you don't believe it, then don't reply unless you have advice. Please, take me seriously.
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