Thank you.

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This is a shout out to very important people in my life, and I feel like they deserve a thank you. They're all amazing.

MagiMarble/Magu: You're honestly one of the sweetest girls I know, you're smart, and funny. Even when you're not around just thinking about you brightens my day. You're a talented artist, too. I love how you also have interest in gothic things! Thank you, for coming into my life. @MagiMarble

Divisi/Adrienne: You're so sweet and optimistic! You always cheer me up, and you love science as much as I do! I love you're sarcasm. You're so kind, I do not know what it'd do without you. Thank you, for coming into my life. @Divisi

Krosi/Maya: You're a great help to everyone. You're so kind, and welcoming. This server would fall to bits without you! You're so helpful. You are also a very talented person, your art work is incredible. Thank you, for being the first to introduce me to forums, and for coming into my life. @Krosi

DontPaanic/Julia: Thank you, so much for being such a good caring friend! You're always caring, and sweet. You were an incredible help to this server. You're an incredible person. Thank you, for coming into my life. @DontPaanic

Fanciness/Fanci: You're so sweet, and fun to be around with! I love how you always listen to me, and pay attention to me. You're really easy to talk to. You're so understanding. Thank you, for coming into my life. @Fanciness

Hyllus/Josh: You're an amazing person. I do not know what I could do without you. You're very kind, and honest. You listen to me, no matter how annoying, and self centered I am. I probably would have quit if it wasn't for you. You helped me, a lot with all my issues. Thank you, for being so understanding, and caring. @Hyllus

Nook/Gabriella: When I first came to forums, you were so welcoming. I really adore how you have a good sense in sarcasm! I miss you being Staff, I was quite upset that you resigned. I'm glad we're friends. Thank you, for coming into my life. @Nook

RedTheFox/Reddo: Boy, oh boy, are you a big pain sometimes! I love how you're so hilarious, and funny. Even if it's getting old... I do not even know how we met... Well, we're friends and that's all that matters. Thank you, for always brightening my day. @RedTheFox999

There are some people I'd like to put on this list, however, they are not as close to me as the others. But they are still incredible people.
Everyone who is on this list, I love you guys so much. Thank you so much, for being there for me.

(This sounds like a Good Bye thread, sorry to disappoint you, but it's not).

Most likely to be to be incorrect spelling, somewhere. It's twelve AM, and I'm on my phone.
I'm ashamed by this, and I'm sure u have been on fox along time like me and idk who u r XD
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