Texture Pack Application?!?!

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Baseball486 (Chris)

New Member
Mar 29, 2016
Hello there Foxcrafters,

I am currently making a texture pack, and I need some feed back! The type of pack i'm making is a cartoon pack, and I need some feedback on what needs to be changed, I am not finished. If I pick you, I will give you a link to a download. I will only pick one person to check it out, because when i'm done with the pack I will release it. If you get picked please do not give the pack download to anyone else. If you do I will not apply for my future packs. If you ask my why you didn't get picked, or if you didn't get picked and you ask, you will not be able to apply again for my future packs. If want to get a first glance, and give me some feedback. Please comment your IGN and tell me how you will help me improve the pack.

Thanks, Chris
Honestly, I've never been really good at making texture packs. I'm not as creative as most people I know. I'd say if your making a cartoon texture pack, then use characters, such as cartoon network characters. I don't know, like I said I'm not extremely creative :P
I hope this helps! (It probably doesn't xD)
Make a realistic texture pack :eek: I might make that my main pack.
I will, this is just my first texture pack, so I'm going to make a easier one at first. I might make a realistic texture pack after :P
Honestly, I've never been really good at making texture packs. I'm not as creative as most people I know. I'd say if your making a cartoon texture pack, then use characters, such as cartoon network characters. I don't know, like I said I'm not extremely creative :p
I hope this helps! (It probably doesn't xD)
I'll see :)
just a suggestion lol
Oh, Thanks!
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