Survival SUGGESTION (im my opinion)

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Nov 16, 2016
I think we should add the stocks minecraft plugin if struggling to find the right one @cloakfox we can help you find a good one it will a good way to make money on the server and its something a lot of the players want including myself.

Please remove cooldown on /feed ive died to starvation 200 times

Please remove tax on CF and RPS tax man has robbed me over 10million in tax from my earnings

just a couple things i wanted change thjansks

AND /god in own claims as i dont wanna die to phantoms while im afk thanks
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"DynamicShop" Plugin is a good one to use stocks in mc

Oooh, dynamic prices that reflect supply and demand sounds amazing. I'd love that!

But in general I don't think players need more ways to make money, right now people are boasting about making $10 million a day.
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