Survival Reset Poll

Do you want Survival to be completely reset

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Mar 7, 2016
People have been asking for a poll on a Survival reset here's one. Vote your opinion. (any kids who don't actively play f*ck off because your opinion is irrelevant) my opinion is NO AS A PLAYER WHO HAS PLAYED SURVIVAL SINCE 2013 (not the same world but yes)
@iBrady Keep an eye on this poll.
Survival just doesn't need to be reset, there's enough unexplored space left.
Exactly, the furthest people have reached is 6 million. And only a select few have made it this far, there's millions of blocks of land in every direction still filled with forests and resources, a reset is not necessary.
Yes reset just cuz ur op it gives other new players a did-advantage I think I should reset and start again for a new experience in the new version in mc
Respectfully I’m not voting because I don’t play survival, However if Ibrady decides there’s a need for a reset then it’s entirely upto him and from looking at the poll it seems like the chances for a reset is more likely to happen, It’s upto Brady to call the shots and if a reset is actually needed or not.
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Respectfully I’m not voting because I don’t play survival, However if Ibrady decides there’s a need for a reset then it’s entirely upto him and from looking at the poll it seems like the chances for a reset is more likely to happen, It’s upto Brady to call the shots and if a reset is actually needed or not.
Thank you, I'm tired of people voting when they do not actively play :/
If they reset survival, they steal money from playesr who paid for it, think about McMMO credits, spawner packs etc. I voted No because this server just needs more RAM on survival and there is enough space to build your house
Everyone think of it this way.
The ACTIVE players, notice I say ACTIVE and the people who actually ENJOY survival, do not want it reset. I guarantee you every single vote that says yes reset has less than 2 days of play time on survival.
Sure, revamp, NOT RESET, revamp as in new spawn, fix all of the issues, but there is no need for a reset.
The Empire is probably the biggest team on survival, half of the empire members would quit if it reset.
Seriously don’t come at me with your bad grammar saying “wHy sO mUch sAlty gUys oN hEre!!!! IT NeEd reSet!!!! I hAve lEss thAn 2 hoUrs oF plAytimE oN sUrvial bEcose iT sUcc baD!!!!!”
Go away inactives
Oh don’t call me a randy either, because if you vote yes reset, I’ve never seen you on survival. Because the actual players don’t want a reset.
“wHy sO sAlTtt!!!!!!!???” -12 year old
Every single yes vote are randys who are not active, and every no vote are players that are actually active within the game. lol
Why even make a poll if you are going to just blindly hate on others opinions
Because I specifically said, do not vote unless you're an active player lol. And people ignored me, so expect me to say "uh your opinion doesn't matter" or whatever, players who don't play should not have an opinion on what's best for it.
Because I specifically said, do not vote unless you're an active player lol. And people ignored me, so expect me to say "uh your opinion doesn't matter" or whatever, players who don't play should not have an opinion on what's best for it.
Its not just you who plays this game you know.
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