Survival reset and opinions

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TNT/creeper destruction yes will be!
As for a compromise I will see what the claims plugin can allow.

The gui would include basic stuff like, maybe time played or kills, etc. Maybe you know of some nice things to add in it?
That would be awesome if you could make some sort of raiding possible.
Since my message was deleted, let me re-phrase the words I used. I said he wasn't doing what people wanted in Survival, not "he doesn't care"
not acting like a "hardass" because I am releasing my opinion, if you don't like it or have something that's stupid to say about me it's just showing you're the person you're trying to criticise me of being.
No you called me a suck-up for correcting someone's invalid statement and proving that cloak does care about us. So don't turn the tables
I want to survive in survival then I clearly want to mine all the resources and build it without flying or any of that. Creative and survival are completely different creative you build nice things and that is it. In survival you can build a nice house, live in it with friends, build mini games to play, make a fighting arena to pvp with your friend or against mobs. That is what survival is about. I shouldn't have to worry about it being destroyed by any thing but mobs or natural causes.
If you want that might as well play in a single player server and invite a couple of friends.
Can you make survival 1.9? This is my one and only request.
Bruh, it took more than a year for Foxcraft to turn into 1.8 from 1.7.. I don't think we're going to see full 1.9 for a while.
I don't really care about the playercount of a server, I care about what's right and wrong in my eyes.
Survival does not fit raiding in my eyes.
Just a small list of things I deff want for survival:
No world border
1.8 and 1.9 support (meaning it will be a 1.8 survival)
Claims (wich allow pvp)
Better teams (gang)
A toggable GUI
No silkspawners
No custom terrain
New spawn (with classic Foxcraft pvp lines)
and some more I can't remember
Better teams/gangs?.. Sooo adding a basic form factions now? I'd say get rid of teams and the such.
Bruh, it took more than a year for Foxcraft to turn into 1.8 from 1.7.. I don't think we're going to see full 1.9 for a while.

Better teams/gangs?.. Sooo adding a basic form factions now? I'd say get rid of teams and the such.
Aww.... I wanted to build up a team to get the elytra.
I don't really care about the playercount of a server, I care about what's right and wrong in my eyes.
Survival does not fit raiding in my eyes.
Just a small list of things I deff want for survival:
No world border
1.8 and 1.9 support (meaning it will be a 1.8 survival)
Claims (wich allow pvp)
Better teams (gang)
A toggable GUI
No silkspawners
No custom terrain
New spawn (with classic Foxcraft pvp lines)
and some more I can't remember
In your eyes. . . What about the eyes of the people who actually play Survival? Does that not matter at all? Because the popular vote I'm pretty sure is for raiding.Js
Also keep the combat tag plugin where if u get combat tagged u can't run into safe zone. That was the best part about the last reset. No bow campers
Back in 1.7 there used to be like, 50 people at spawn.. now .. it's just sad af. When survival got reset I got on, got rich in about a week, maybe less, and then just became bored af. Let's just say people become uninterested when there's no challenges. To put it simply: the biggest challenge I had after the reset was remembering where the sugarcane was in my many chests.
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Leon I don't know if you realize this or not, but pvp is a big thing in minecraft now a days, when players get bored or OP they want to pvp, if you want to make survival better, add some original never thought of before things, and make pvp big, and i'm not talking about mcmmo because I know that's what you were thinking lmao
Also keep the combat tag plugin where if u get combat tagged u can't run into safe zone. That was the best part about the last reset. No bow campers
God those kids were so annoying...
I am now closing this thread.
I'm working on the update as we speak, however you can already expect that we're not going to be doing anything related to raiding. There is a clear difference between "Factions" (Which is a gamemode meant to raid), and "Survival" (Which is a gamemode in which you are meant to survive). For those who get so upset that they want to leave, please do so because you're playing the wrong gamemode. Foxcraft is no longer a 100-player server as it was before, we are only getting bigger nowadays and therefore greatly expanding.

For any logical new player (Which we are also focusing on), the above would be the most common conclusion. Regardless of that, features like /fly or speed changing don't have to be used, you just have the option to. Try controlling yourself if you're so tempted to use those, because that is none of mine nor anyone else's concern.

Anyhow, so far I've got the following noted:
  • Add GriefPrevention (land claiming) without PvP protection
  • No custom world generation
  • A new spawn
  • No diamond mountains
  • No worldborder
  • No spawners
  • No levels
  • Additional chest protection
  • Pets, though no pet riding
  • No shops, but /trade and ChestShops
  • Like
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