Survival Ink Sac Trade For Diamond

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Dec 18, 2016
Empire is looking to trade with players who have Ink Sacs and are willing to give diamonds in exchange for Ink Sacs.
Ksmudger will be trading 2 diamonds for every Ink Sac a player gives him.
Just /trade with ksmudger and put in ink sacs.
I myself will also be offering the same deal if I'm ever online.
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hows the ban treating ya? I raided mjbates dragonborndevan leo and wasir's base they were easy you guys need better gear, oh and also I now own one of ksms pigmen grinders
hows the ban treating ya? I raided mjbates dragonborndevan leo and wasir's base they were easy you guys need better gear, oh and also I now own one of ksms pigmen grinders
Unless you're here to accept the offer, don't post here, if you wanna taunt me, do it in a pm.
hows the ban treating ya? I raided mjbates dragonborndevan leo and wasir's base they were easy you guys need better gear, oh and also I now own one of ksms pigmen grinders
And btw, we returned the favour to gchou :D

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GCHOU doesnt really care about that, it is outside of his base and its not harming anything inside his base
Are you that lazy you can't just find a squid?
well why did he threaten to report ksm if he doesn't care? I think he cares lol, and faast we need them on a HUGE LEVEL, me and ksm would rather be doing more important things than worrying about killing squids
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lol noob i was afk

Ik you were afk mj was just really stupid to tp me
well why did he threaten to report ksm if he doesn't care? I think he cares lol, and faast we need them on a HUGE LEVEL, me and ksm would rather be doing more important things than worrying about killing squids

He threatened to report because before ksm built that wall there was a form of 18+ content and mute evasion
well why did he threaten to report ksm if he doesn't care? I think he cares lol, and faast we need them on a HUGE LEVEL, me and ksm would rather be doing more important things than worrying about killing squids
What happened to these so called "workers" of yours can't they do it?
what the link for the application these warriors that believe they are so strong are being annoying as hell and I want them to get out
what the link for the application these warriors that believe they are so strong are being annoying as hell and I want them to get out

XD 4 hours ago you were so exited to end empire, I said you can apply again, I had a valid reason to kick you.
I know Ksm has insulted the crap out of me and raided my base but hey its the past fck your team you got players telling you lies The Empire will rise just make sure of that derm you made a wrong decision of trustin cat. I defended my self and she kept attacking me so derm get your unloyal team out of here.
I know Ksm has insulted the crap out of me and raided my base but hey its the past fck your team you got players telling you lies The Empire will rise just make sure of that derm you made a wrong decision of trustin cat. I defended my self and she kept attacking me so derm get your unloyal team out of here.
XD you crack me up!!!

earlier you wre like: let's kick ksmudger's sorry little butt, I can not wait for empire to fall. And now you are the opposite XD I still have the tp to your base and we have a spy that is your friend XD good luck
that's great I don't care I have cords to many bases on survival and I don't mind giving them to ksm
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