I applied to man i wish you luckYeahh boii apply too bro
Me xDGood luck everyone who is going to apply!![]()
Support Tickets & Staff Applications!
Some of you may have noticed but we are now using 'Support Tickets'. You can find the Support Tickets in the navigation bar.
What are Support Tickets?
Support Tickets are just the same as they were on the Forums section. But, this will be stored in the same spot, categorized, easier to manage and faster handling time.
Staff Applications
There is a Staff Application category on the Support Tickets page, this is the place where you can apply for helper. Do not forget to read everything (here) before sending an apply.
Also Staff Applications are from now on permanently open. Good luck with your application!
You can click here to redirect to the Support Tickets page.
Hi, I see you are a staff member I was wondering if I could talk to your Boss or someone about something?Click on "Submit a new ticket" then insert the new format and make sure you ticket is under the "Application" tab.
Hi my Minecraft user name is LittlemanGamenz. I am not yet fourteen but I am twelve. I am very mature for my age and was wondering if you could make an exception for that rule.
Hi, I see you are a staff member I was wondering if I could talk to your Boss or someone about something?
i would apply but i have applied like 12 months ago and im not sure if im being too clingySupport Tickets & Staff Applications!
Some of you may have noticed but we are now using 'Support Tickets'. You can find the Support Tickets in the navigation bar.
What are Support Tickets?
Support Tickets are just the same as they were on the Forums section. But, this will be stored in the same spot, categorized, easier to manage and faster handling time.
Staff Applications
There is a Staff Application category on the Support Tickets page, this is the place where you can apply for helper. Do not forget to read everything (here) before sending an apply.
Also Staff Applications are from now on permanently open. Good luck with your application!
You can click here to redirect to the Support Tickets page.
Please post your application in a Support Ticket under the right department.Hi Everyone! I am here to apply for Staff!
I think I am really attached to Foxcraft currently and mostly forever, I really have a passion for helping others, how I can see that it makes peers in-game happy and benefits everyone else and the server
1.I have been on the server for almost 6-8 months I thinkI have really gotten far and made many friends!
2.I am online almost everyday for a few hours! (I am GMT times...)
3.I am right for the job as I really enjoy helping others and benefiting the server. I feel as if I can handle jobs like these as I was Helper+ In previous servers! I can contribute by sharing my idea's and opinions while also hearing other staff members out. I can really bring out my inner humour and bring joy to others!
4. Cross my heart : I have never ever been Ban/Mute/Jailed (I have been a good kiddie XD)
5. In my opinion I think I am generous and kind towards others and new members to the server.. I have helped a few people out by helping them with houses and I even donated diamonds and such. I have told others if they were breaking rules and reported staff immediately Futhermore, I would really love to help out and improve the server in anyway possible. I am also 2 months away from being 14 so please don't make this a con!I am highly capable and mature for this opportunity, I am also a friend of iBrady as he has helped me before with a few issues not concerning me I'm not exactly sure if he remembers me as a friend XD But hopefully! I am very active! Lastly I have donated to survival as a [VIP] so maybe a brownie point?
I really hope you have considered my application to the fullest and really taken it on board. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to be apart of the staff team, I would mean the world to me. If I don't get it in that's okay..I'm sure there is many others that could benefit more but please consider me!
Many thanks,
End of Application
Please post your application in a Support Ticket under the right department.Hello my name is Noah I apply here because I want to be a staff on your server I am 14 years old, I am on the 1st of March.
So far I have been online on the server for 3 months. I am 14 years old so old enough for a job with you. I am patient and I am quite full. I am Dutch but can speak English very well my spelling and grammar are a bit less. Even though I do not have many warnings there, I do not worry about keeping the rules. If I were to post something it would be useful.
I have been playing Foxcraft for 3 months because it is a nice server. I am on Monday: 2-3 hours
Tuesday: 2-3 hours
Wednesday: 4-5 hours
Thursday: 2-3 hours
Friday: 5-6 hours
Saturday: 5-6 hours
Sunday 4-5 hours.
The helper is right because: He is much higher than all other normal players with ranks etc. They will have to listen to me. When I join the team, I behave neatly and I help all other team members if they need help. I'm pretty nice but sometimes I have a short fuse I can be very careful and I'm never forgetful when I'm online I keep an eye on the server.
I have never been banned from the server and never gossip anything yet I've always kept to the rules.
I am Noah since March 1, 2003 I was put on the earth by my mom and dad. I am not forgetful and have a loud microphone I can speak English well even though I am Dutch have good eyes and can keep an eye on everything.
This was my application if there are questions I see them appear.
V.M.G Noah (Zn4k3)