Super piñata

Jan 10, 2024
Special Piñata!
Okay so this is a very "hear my out"-like suggestion.

I was thinking that for late game players, the piñata doesn't really do us any good, except for kills lol. So what I was thinking was to add a special "super" piñata that spawns every 10?, 20?, 50? piñatas idk. The point of this is, that it's going to be a piñata on drugs basically. Double the health, fighting back at you, spawning minions, all that stuff. The prizes will of course also be better, and if it was every like 20 piñatas the person with the most damage dealt to the piñata in the end would get a legendary key, the player with 2nd-most damage dealt would get like 5 piñata keys and the 3rd-most damaging player would get 3 and the rest of the people would just get 1.

This would not only break up the pvp-ing during the piñata because people would concentrate on killing it, but it would also allow for more people to be there in general.

Please go easy on me in the comment section because I know this is a longshot, but I just really thought it would be cool. All the stats like health, prizes and intervals of the spawning can be discussed down below, but yeah, feel free to give your opinions!

if I see any "I ain't reading allat" comments below I will smack you with a frying pan
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