Sup, I'll give you nightmares.

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Mar 9, 2016
Japan Town
Hey there foxes/other weird things that are live organisms! My name is Jasper. My in game name is Niightmares, changing it today back to my old favourite name Huzuno. I see there is a new forum, so i'm going to have a fresh start. I did a lot of silly (hacking back in the days a year ago) and naughty thing.. My favourite song is SetItOff Bleak December and my favourite book series is Skullduggery Pleasant. I'm quite sporty and my favourite activite is tennis. My favourite crisp flavour is sour cream and onion pringles :>. Im looking for some new friends, not just the 10 people who immidiately say 'HI NIIGHTMARES' as i join kitpvp, but some new ones. I also made a thread on the old forums about kitpvp resetting. I know two people who glitch op items... Staff pm me if you want to. Hopefully i will get the chance to apply for staff when the next round is about, and i hope to see you guys on Foxcraft!
Hey buddy, Welcome back to the new Foxcraft forums!
I actually like sour cream flavoured Pringles myself!
I used to play tennis professionally when i was younger but decided to stop and take dancing... lel.

Enjoy your stay and just a tip if you want to have a successful chance at your application stay active on the forums and get yourself known and in game :)
Can i join ur islan ;3
Hey buddy, Welcome back to the new Foxcraft forums!
I actually like sour cream flavoured Pringles myself!
I used to play tennis professionally when i was younger but decided to stop and take dancing... lel.

Enjoy your stay and just a tip if you want to have a successful chance at your application stay active on the forums and get yourself known and in game :)
I have been playing for nearly a year and a half e_e i think i know what I'm doing. Thanks for the info anyways ;D
Doesn't mean I won't share certain resources of people. But I only share if I have an abundance of that resource. I don't share cobble, and minerals. I could buy you wood, I can share food, and I can help construct your island, provided you have the materials necessary.
Doesn't mean I won't share certain resources of people. But I only share if I have an abundance of that resource. I don't share cobble, and minerals. I could buy you wood, I can share food, and I can help construct your island, provided you have the materials necessary.
Thanks. I'll see what I have
Hey there foxes/other weird things that are live organisms! My name is Jasper. My in game name is Niightmares, changing it today back to my old favourite name Huzuno. I see there is a new forum, so i'm going to have a fresh start. I did a lot of silly (hacking back in the days a year ago) and naughty thing.. My favourite song is SetItOff Bleak December and my favourite book series is Skullduggery Pleasant. I'm quite sporty and my favourite activite is tennis. My favourite crisp flavour is sour cream and onion pringles :>. Im looking for some new friends, not just the 10 people who immidiately say 'HI NIIGHTMARES' as i join kitpvp, but some new ones. I also made a thread on the old forums about kitpvp resetting. I know two people who glitch op items... Staff pm me if you want to. Hopefully i will get the chance to apply for staff when the next round is about, and i hope to see you guys on Foxcraft!
Welcome back. You seem cool, and it'd be cool to be friends. I can see you most likely originate from England, or one of its colonies. Nice to meet you.
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