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Sep 23, 2016
-we shuld add more claim blocks, like, 3000, only 180 can't prorect an huge build, like an castle, or an arena,
Or even an farm.

-adding /Kit Claiming, : it would be easier to claim separate areas. like, If you don't have an shovel, you need to mine Gold, and untill there your builds are unprotected, any1 could grief

i Think this would make Survival an Better server. More players would play.​
-we shuld add more claim blocks, like, 3000, only 180 can't prorect an huge build, like an castle, or an arena,
Or even an farm.

-adding /Kit Claiming, : it would be easier to claim separate areas. like, If you don't have an shovel, you need to mine Gold, and untill there your builds are unprotected, any1 could grief

i Think this would make Survival an Better server. More players would play.​
Wow, not only are you extremely uninformed, this is the wrong format, which I don't really care about but just pointing it out, haha.
First of all, you get most claim blocks the longer you stay online, which means that people who actually play get larger claimed areas. I've no idea why you're indirectly saying that you can't claim separate claims, because you definitely can, literally go check right now. Plus, if you don't have a golden shovel, I'd say ask someone for one, or ask to trade iron/resources for one. And if nobody will trade, FIND ONE.. I don't understand why it's so hard for some people to simply mine, it's legit part of the game. If you ***** and moan about not being able to find one single piece, start mining some more.
Also, kits shouldn't be in Survival in the first place, not only should this definitely not be added, the entire /kit command should dissipate.
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A* large build. A* farm. A* golden shovel. A* better server. Using "an" is only for words that start with a vowel sound, like elephant, owl, alpaca, underling, or igloo. Sorry, it just really bothers me when people do this cuz it looks SUPER weird. xD

Claiming is shiet and they need to bring back old claiming, where you right click at one corner and right click at the opposite. If /kit claiming is added, it needs a long cooldown, maybe 24h.

Wrong format btw. xD
A* large build. A* farm. A* golden shovel. A* better server. Using "an" is only for words that start with a vowel sound, like elephant, owl, alpaca, underling, or igloo. Sorry, it just really bothers me when people do this cuz it looks SUPER weird. xD

Claiming is shiet and they need to bring back old claiming, where you right click at one corner and right click at the opposite. If /kit claiming is added, it needs a long cooldown, maybe 24h.

Wrong format btw. xD
What're you talking about? That method is still in the game. I've no idea why so many people don't use it, and rather use /claim. If it's because they don't have a golden shovel, then ask/trade for one, or go start mining.
What're you talking about? That method is still in the game. I've no idea why so many people don't use it, and rather use /claim. If it's because they don't have a golden shovel, then ask/trade for one, or go start mining.
I tried right clicking to start a claim and it didn't work. xD
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