Suggestie Kingdoms: Chat-regels

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Feb 17, 2020
a freshwater river
De chat-regels zijn te streng. Veel andere spelers delen deze mening met mij.

Mijn suggestie is hierom dat de regels omtrent swearing iets worden versoepelt.
Hieronder bijvoorbeeld het toestaan van: f*ck, gay (in niet discriminerende zin) en kut.

Mensen worden minder snel gebanned (net werden 4 mensen achterelkaar gebanned voor swearing).
Persoonlijk hoef ik niet enorm meer op te letten op taalgebruik.

Meer mensen zullen schelden, als dat een con te noemen is.

-1 I like it the way it is now I honestly do not understand why it can be so difficult for people to just not start calling names with, for example, illnesses or other things that can hurt people me and the staff team are just there so that everyone can have a fun and enjoyable time on Foxcraft
-1 I like it the way it is now I honestly do not understand why it can be so difficult for people to just not start calling names with, for example, illnesses or other things that can hurt people me and the staff team are just there so that everyone can have a fun and enjoyable time on Foxcraft
Wasn't referring to illnesses, just the milder stuff. I really don't understand why someone deserves a 3day ban for saying ''haha g*y''. but I suppose that's just my opinion.
Wasn't referring to illnesses, just the milder stuff. I really don't understand why someone deserves a 3day ban for saying ''haha g*y''. but I suppose that's just my opinion.
I do not think things like "Gay" is just a small swear word i could imagine if a person is gay thinks that is quite a heavy swear word and it seems difficult enough to be honest about that anyway imagine you say to someone gay and that he or she appears to really fall on the same sex then that could really hurt that person
I do not think things like "Gay" is just a small swear word i could imagine if a person is gay thinks that is quite a heavy swear word and it seems difficult enough to be honest about that anyway imagine you say to someone gay and that he or she appears to really fall on the same sex then that could really hurt that person
I do agree in some way, but I can't imagine that it would actually hurt someone who is gay. At least as long as you're not using 'gay' in a discriminative way (which I clearly state in my post).
I do agree in some way, but I can't imagine that it would actually hurt someone who is gay. At least as long as you're not using 'gay' in a discriminative way (which I clearly state in my post).
There is no reason too say the word in general if someone says "I'm gay" thats something else but saying something with the word "gay" to someone else is unnecessary
There is no reason too say the word in general doesn't if someone says "I'm gay" thats something else but saying something with the word "gay" to someone else is unnecessary
Unnecessary sure, but I wouldn't agree that someone deserves a ban or a mute for saying ''gay''. Isn't any swear word unnecessary either way? Unnecessary doesn't make it evil.
+1 you can say C*nc*r in chat but for gay you wil get banned, so just only mute/ban when peaple are discriminating others for being gay or something.
+1 you can say C*nc*r in chat but for gay you wil get banned, so just only mute/ban when peaple are discriminating others for being gay or something.
U get punished for saying that word i don't know what you're talking about
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