Stop Building on end island?

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Mar 20, 2016
I know I know, why would you ever do that. But hear me out. In two days I have had to clean the end 3 times of debris and holes. I had to even kill a wither today that said Zenial sucked as a moderator (she doesn't love you Z). End island needs to be not going to shut down, cleaned, and open back up without the ability to place and break blocks. Some issues: 1. The pilalrs. Simple enough place ladders or stairs for people to get up the dragon doesn't break blocks as is. 2.The Egg, maybe it just goes in people's inv? Idk we can figure something out. But im tired of the greifing and I'm sure Zeniala is too as she repairs it all the time.
I notice that it is sometimes a mess in the end and that it is regularly cleaned up by Zeniala indeed. If you have some suggestion to solve this problem, feel free to make a feedback post here:
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