Stand Up For No-Rankers

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New Member
Jan 4, 2017
I've been noticing from people talking in chat that people with no ranks aren't being answered by people with ranks, they seem ignored. I don't like it. The other day I tried to talk with someone with a rank, they had no reply, and when another person with a rank talked to that same person, they replied, I'm not saying everyone with ranks ignores, but its getting kinda annoying, so I'd like for people to listen to no-rankers like me, and if you agree reply with #Equality.

There are always some self-centered people no matter where you go, but yes I do agree with your statement. I try my best to answer everyone, but most of the time they are all dutch. It would be so interesting to learn out all the conversations that were being typed right before my eyes.
it's a possibility that the dull color of unchanged chat is just hard to notice and blends in with background, leading to the said ranked member not even noticing, meaning that the ignoring factor is just taken out of the equation. perhaps you could use pms, which use colors, so any person can notice? unless that person gets a lot of pms and then tunes some out.

but what do I know
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This has nothing to do with equality. Go to Foxcraft, take a look at the chat. What do you see? Colored words. You don't see gray words. As a Foxking, I think I speak for a lot of people when I say, it's not that we are ignoring you, it's just hard to see your gray print out of everyone else's colored print. Consider buying a rank such as donator.
I agree that having no-rank is hard to get noticed mainly because all you mainly see is coloured chat. But, If you need someone really bad just /msg them because its easier to see, I do reply to people without a rank mainly because they say my ign several times.
Its hard to see if someone talks to you since all non-ranked players all have gray chat so you almost never notice it
The coloured chat of ranks stands out more and so people notice it. The gray of non donators doesn't and so people don't see it.
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