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Aug 8, 2017
Hey guys i think its that time of the year again to open staff apps, My reasons : First of all a lot of staff either got demoted/resigned and second of all all the current Helpers are P-Helpers and are Inactive.
I also think that there should/needs to be more staff on fox, especially from different time zones
just a suggestion
Well brady is the Manager so I guess we’ll just have to wait and see what decisions he makes
Hey guys i think its that time of the year again to open staff apps, My reasons : First of all a lot of staff either got demoted/resigned and second of all all the current Helpers are P-Helpers and are Inactive.
I also think that there should/needs to be more staff on fox, especially from different time zones
just a suggestion
they only pick members who are in dutch timezones because they always deny mine and im pretty mines the rarest among all timezones im in asiaaa and got denied everytime ;D
they only pick members who are in dutch timezones because they always deny mine and im pretty mines the rarest among all timezones im in asiaaa and got denied everytime ;D
“We will be picking our staff members from the pool of applications. The staff also consider your in-game attitude in the application process. We also considered previous offences by the player, so if you have ever done anything wrong, it may work against you.”

Here is the link to view any useful information regarding about staff application
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hi dad that wasnt me it was my sister
why tf would ur sister post something like that on your account lmao.
Plus your sister types in the same way you seem to always do...
No capitals at the start, no apostrophes, not capitalizing basic words and made the same asian joke you did

lol pulling a Sibling card

But anyways Staff apps are perm. open now...

why tf would ur sister post something like that on your account lmao.
Plus your sister types in the same way you seem to always do...
No capitals at the start, no apostrophes, not capitalizing basic words and made the same asian joke you did

lol pulling a Sibling card

But anyways Staff apps are perm. open now...

actually i dont have a sister ;D
I can assure you that your application was not denied because of your race, nor would anyone’s get denied because of that reason.
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