Staff who play the mode cant allowed to use social spy

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New Member
Mar 24, 2020
silverfawkes plays kd she uses social spy i sended my coords of my base to my friend in msg and she raided it was couple months ago.
i know that she raided because old staff member justinc2522 said she raided it.
all the mods or helpers who play should not be allowed to use socialspy they can predict fights can find bases of noobs who dont know staff can check their pms.
even on skyblock staff can check and predict fights and call people basicly abuse!
That's called abusing and staff all know the consequence of that. Socialspy is a necessity to catch people saying racial slurs, homophobic slurs, or saying ddos/death threats. You can't remove it as it is quite important and I don't believe Silver would abuse it just to raid you.
well she does everything to raid she always skips me in chat if i ask a question.
banned my friend for ban evading who was not even on the same ip i was on.
he does not even live close to me.
and now 5 of my friends who play there who live close to me dont want to join any more bcs she bans them bcs i was 1 time on their acount
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