My in-game name: AdminTarKing
My previous names: (If applicable)
EvanSmokesWeed, I do Drugs
My age:
My location: (Country/state)Anime Highschool
My timezone:EST
My favorite gamemode: (gamemode you play on most) Creative Rp
I joined Foxcraft in: (Month+year)2k14
In-depth information
Why should you become a Helper? I would like to spread the word of the gospel and make every player a child of god, help build new things on rp plots in creative, grow weed aka sugar cane
How many hours a day/week can you dedicate to moderating and how will this be in the future when you go back to school or work.
Like 30mins
For what reason should we choose you over somebody else?
I have several missing chromosomes, I’m naturally attractive, my teeth are really white, I go to church, I grow medical marijuana, I have many friends
How will your work improve our server?
Ban non donators, date a egirl dupe on factories play opprison
Do you have any previous experience moderating servers? (With proof, if possible)
Yes I had a private server and sold male and female sexual organs
Have you made any applications before? (If yes, how many?)
Yeah they all got denied
Have you ever been banned? (If yes, how many times and for what reason?)
Hacks hacks ddos threat/terrorism
Do you have any donator ranks?
Would you like to tell us anything else?
“In the words of ???? I have a 9 inch **** if that helps”

My previous names: (If applicable)
EvanSmokesWeed, I do Drugs
My age:
My location: (Country/state)Anime Highschool
My timezone:EST
My favorite gamemode: (gamemode you play on most) Creative Rp
I joined Foxcraft in: (Month+year)2k14
In-depth information
Why should you become a Helper? I would like to spread the word of the gospel and make every player a child of god, help build new things on rp plots in creative, grow weed aka sugar cane
How many hours a day/week can you dedicate to moderating and how will this be in the future when you go back to school or work.
Like 30mins
For what reason should we choose you over somebody else?
I have several missing chromosomes, I’m naturally attractive, my teeth are really white, I go to church, I grow medical marijuana, I have many friends
How will your work improve our server?
Ban non donators, date a egirl dupe on factories play opprison
Do you have any previous experience moderating servers? (With proof, if possible)
Yes I had a private server and sold male and female sexual organs
Have you made any applications before? (If yes, how many?)
Yeah they all got denied
Have you ever been banned? (If yes, how many times and for what reason?)
Hacks hacks ddos threat/terrorism
Do you have any donator ranks?
Would you like to tell us anything else?
“In the words of ???? I have a 9 inch **** if that helps”
