Staff Application Changes

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Hello everyone,

We’ve recently been reviewing how we handle the Staff Application process on Foxcraft. One thing we’ve considered, and discussed, is that we think it would be better if we moved to a “Staff Rounds” system. In short, this would mean that we would only allow you to post a Staff Application when we’re actively looking.
One of the main reasons for this change is to simply maximise the amount of recent (and therefore active) applications we receive when we’re looking. I personally feel that some applicants go to waste, as when they post, we’re at our maximum capacity and we wouldn’t have the space (or the people) to train, and welcome them appropriately. With this new system, this is no longer a problem.
So, what does this mean for current applications? Over the next few days, I’ll be looking over the applications and making final decisions on a per-applicant basis.

The next staff application round will begin on the 26th June, and run until the 10th July. You will have two weeks to make your application and formalise it before we close the applications, and review them.

Additionally, I've got some changes to the staff team to announce!
  • MrPumpkin1: Helper -> Moderator
  • Lanuginoso: Helper -> Moderator
Congratulations guys, it's much deserved!

Thanks for reading,

Hey potters do you know when the helpers of these rounds become known?
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