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New Member
Mar 16, 2017
IGN: _Phsc_
My privious name: xXLegionKillerXx
My age: 14
My location: Peru Lima
My timezone: -5
My favorite gamemode: 0
I joined fox craft: ??/06/2016
Why should you become a Helper? : Cuz I love helping peapol and I love this server Its the best one.

How many hours a day/week can you dedicate to moderating and how will this be in the future when you go back to school or work. : I will moderate 6h/24h

For what reason should we choose you over somebody else? : If you want you can choose sombody esle but I know I can be helper cuz I am really god helping and I will ban avery peapol husing hack.

How will your work improve our server? : I will be all day in the server helping everybody and I will always improve on this server no mater what I will be there.

Do you have any previous experience moderating servers? : Yes, I have been moderator of 2 others little server but they close so now I am moderetor of any server :( but If you choose me I will be really happy.

Have you made any applications before : yes I made 2 other application and they wor accepted.

Have you ever been banned? : NEVER

Do you have any donator ranks? : no but I am thinking buy a donator rank.

  • Would you like to tell us anything else? : NO, Thx

First, helper apps are closed. Second, I recommend for the real app to not use words such as "cuz" and try to spell words as correctly as possible.
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