Skywars revamp ( POLL )

Should Skywars return with a full revamp

  • Yes

  • No

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Mar 7, 2016
Hello Foxcrafters!

I'm here to discuss whether we should introduce Skywars back to Foxcraft or should Foxcraft introduce a brother server for example or which is entirely based on Skywars and potentially Skyblock.

I, Dansors strongly believe we should bring back Skywars and here are my reasons ( I'll only add up to 3 bullet points )

1. Skywars was a game-mode that was amazing for all players, whether you were the worst player in PVP to the very best. The game relies heavily on strategy game-play and luck

2. Skywars is a game-mode where you don't have any heavy commitments, Players often aren't very fond of playing on other servers because they've already got their main game-mode they frequently play on. Skywars is just an additional server where players can take a quick break and then return to their main server

3.Skywars attracts new players, Skywars is still one of the best and most played mini-games out there. Investing in this game-mode can help introduce newer players on other servers

(Now I can continue more but I don't want to end up tying my famous Danessay and bore you)

Now I'm not going to pretend like Skywars was successful in Foxcraft but there were many factoring reasons behind this

1. The kits given to donators were just so OP, like holy-**** full protection diamond armor with thorns, enchanted bow, and god apple were crazy OP and it didn't give non-donators a chance

2. The maps were too large, some games lasted up-to 30 minutes and honestly, it got super boring because Skywars wasn't fast-paced

3. There weren't any fun kits, Skywars isn't really about protection armors and weapons it can be OP just by having snowballs.

I genuinely believe that we can introduce a more fun Skywars to Foxcraft if we focused on these

1. Fun kits, kits that aren't heavily based on armor and swords but are focused on throwing people off the maps like troll kits. Kits also accessible by everyone and isn't donator influenced heavy. Maybe give donators a chance to get extra points or have access to certain kits that aren't OP but wouldn't be purchasable unless you obtained a certain rank rather than insane kits that just aren't fair and game-breaking

2. Small maps that are fast-paced, islands that don't have too much material for players to camp. If we do have larger maps then at 15-minute mark we should have Enderdragons spawn and target those that are in 1 spot in a small radius

3. re-spawnable chests, where the second round of respawning the chests are more OP and given more materials in case if players weren't fortunate of their items given from the first wave of chests

These are just my reasons how we make Skywars more fun for players if and when we introduce Skywars back to Foxcraft, Definitely isn't easy and can take serval months to pull off but i genuinely think its do-able and honestly Foxcraft could use a game mode like this.

I would love to hear your feedback on this thread BEFORE I create suggestions onto the server. I really want to hear your ideas and what you think we can add or remove from the previous Skywars you've played. Please keep this thread on topic

I really agree with the part where SkyWars attracts new players to the Foxcraft network. I also believe that this’ll be a great addition to the Foxcraft server or a seperate Foxcraft server to attract new players. Also adding kits that aren’t OP would help make the game more fast paced as well. Overall a great idea and I’d love to see it happen
I really agree with the part where SkyWars attracts new players to the Foxcraft network. I also believe that this’ll be a great addition to the Foxcraft server or a seperate Foxcraft server to attract new players. Also adding kits that aren’t OP would help make the game more fast paced as well. Overall a great idea and I’d love to see it happen
Definitely! I mean that’s how I personally joined Foxcraft back in the day, I fell in love with there Skywars and decided to stay and try out the other game-mode! Yeah we definitely made a mistake when we Introduced op kits, Foxking and Foxqueen kits were just game breaking bad. It was such an easy win especially with the added free speed boost .-.

I fully agree with this. All of your points are valid + it attracts players like KitPvP. Great post! :)
Ah yes! I really like the kitpvp kits, it’s honestly so fun especially with switching your location with another player, I imagine that would be a very expensive kit to unlock which you’re given 1-3 snowball to switch locations. Skywars would thrive.

Very detailed suggestion. I fully agree with all of your points. +1
Thank you! I appreciate you backing up my thread :)

Everything else is good, but you forgot to suggest NPCs for joining games +1

That be really cool! I think that’s a nice change from the glitchy portals. As long as it’s not a sign I’ve always hated joining games with wood sign
I like this a lot. You articulate your points very well, and they're good points. I would totally be down to see Skywawrs get added back.

Thank you kobeer aka the love of my life.
I’m glad you like the idea since we both were quite the active players back in the days, I really do hope Skywars is given a fair chance but with the community input this round. I think fun kits like Kitpvp with adjustments could really make Skywars thrive !

I forgot why it was removed, it was one of the most popular game modes. I would love to see it come back too +1

I heard it came back but it was then removed again, it’s definitely a popular game mode so I’m excited if it does make a return, the server feels like it’s missing another big mini game and it’s definitely Skywars
If anyone has any suggestions for the final suggestion thread I’ll be workshopping to post, Please suggest them here ! If you have any questions or would like to discuss your opinion you’re more than welcome to discuss in this thread.

Also to that 1 vote that was against Skywars, I’m going to find you....
Can confirm, encased myself in bedrock and sat there for half an hour while the only other person left tried to figure out how to kill me, and with no success.
I would LOVE if SkyWars was back, that was my main for a very long time. (p.s. I'd be down to help build some maps for it again ;)
Hello Foxcrafters!

I'm here to discuss whether we should introduce Skywars back to Foxcraft or should Foxcraft introduce a brother server for example or which is entirely based on Skywars and potentially Skyblock.

I, Dansors strongly believe we should bring back Skywars and here are my reasons ( I'll only add up to 3 bullet points )

1. Skywars was a game-mode that was amazing for all players, whether you were the worst player in PVP to the very best. The game relies heavily on strategy game-play and luck

2. Skywars is a game-mode where you don't have any heavy commitments, Players often aren't very fond of playing on other servers because they've already got their main game-mode they frequently play on. Skywars is just an additional server where players can take a quick break and then return to their main server

3.Skywars attracts new players, Skywars is still one of the best and most played mini-games out there. Investing in this game-mode can help introduce newer players on other servers

(Now I can continue more but I don't want to end up tying my famous Danessay and bore you)

Now I'm not going to pretend like Skywars was successful in Foxcraft but there were many factoring reasons behind this

1. The kits given to donators were just so OP, like holy-**** full protection diamond armor with thorns, enchanted bow, and god apple were crazy OP and it didn't give non-donators a chance

2. The maps were too large, some games lasted up-to 30 minutes and honestly, it got super boring because Skywars wasn't fast-paced

3. There weren't any fun kits, Skywars isn't really about protection armors and weapons it can be OP just by having snowballs.

I genuinely believe that we can introduce a more fun Skywars to Foxcraft if we focused on these

1. Fun kits, kits that aren't heavily based on armor and swords but are focused on throwing people off the maps like troll kits. Kits also accessible by everyone and isn't donator influenced heavy. Maybe give donators a chance to get extra points or have access to certain kits that aren't OP but wouldn't be purchasable unless you obtained a certain rank rather than insane kits that just aren't fair and game-breaking

2. Small maps that are fast-paced, islands that don't have too much material for players to camp. If we do have larger maps then at 15-minute mark we should have Enderdragons spawn and target those that are in 1 spot in a small radius

3. re-spawnable chests, where the second round of respawning the chests are more OP and given more materials in case if players weren't fortunate of their items given from the first wave of chests

These are just my reasons how we make Skywars more fun for players if and when we introduce Skywars back to Foxcraft, Definitely isn't easy and can take serval months to pull off but i genuinely think its do-able and honestly Foxcraft could use a game mode like this.

I would love to hear your feedback on this thread BEFORE I create suggestions onto the server. I really want to hear your ideas and what you think we can add or remove from the previous Skywars you've played. Please keep this thread on topic

Say they did bring Skywars back... if I originally had a Skywars rank would I be able to transfer my Kingdoms rank back to a Skywars rank? Theoretically?
I remember when I was 10-12 years old I used to main SkyWars on this server. Good times :)
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