Schematic downloads from where...no I mean schematic downloads
that's probably your first problem. To make a schematic or use one you need world edit (server) or schematica (client)The internet, it said it was the schematic website and that i could download it from there.
[doublepost=1468342502,1468342463][/doublepost]But I have deleted it now because it was doing weird stuff to my computer.
Schematica makes schematics client side, look up a video on how to use it.Oh but I have made my map on Foxcraft creative mode
How did you make your skywars map? Like whereI don't understand what all this shematica thing is?
He said he made it in the creative serverHow did you make your skywars map? Like where
alright all you have to do is tell cloakfox your XYZ coordinates on the creative server to your skywars map. Which can be found by pressing F3.Oh but I have made my map on Foxcraft creative mode
He said he made it in the creative server
alright all you have to do is tell cloakfox your XYZ coordinates on the creative server to your skywars map. Which can be found by pressing F3.
You need to post a thread under the "Contest" sectionThere is just one problem, @cloakfox never reads my messages.
I think but only one will be chosenSo we are aloud to submit more then 1?
Just verifying so I don't waste my time..
You're allowed toWell i failed with the reading xD i was building it on the creative server xD
put it under the "Contest" section with the correct format please.Okay niceCreative plot KillabeeNL
-2381 106 -926
Only cost me $10 how can I give it to cloak?*buys build off Internet*