Skyblock, New PvP Map?

Should the /warp pvp change its map?

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I think a different more simplistic and open arena would be better, you could literally build one in 20minutes...
Skyblock isn't really a pvp focussed server. You should maybe try /kitpvp
You obviously don’t listen to your community if you think pvp isn’t a big part of skyblock. Can you tell please tell me why you put a pvp map on skyblock in the first place? There’s a reasons it’s being asked to be changed and why 20 some people agree with it and why would you recommend kitpvp if your know yourself that part of Foxcraft has 3 players play it monthly, smh.
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Skyblock isn't really a pvp focussed server. You should maybe try /kitpvp
I don't really play Foxcraft that much anymore, and I've never been big on pvp; But is it really that hard for you to see you should just maybe, I don't know listen to the people who play your server? I think they know what they want, and pretty sure they all have valid reasons, the pvp arena in skyblock isn't all that great, too closed and small. Also if it wasn't a big part of skyblock why would you add it in the first place, and even if it wasn't a big part before I'm pretty sure it is now.
Same old fox. Great ideas but they never do something with it... If you want to do something for the community, you have to do it with the community
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