sky blok resatrt

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It's a bad idea to reset it probably lots of people will quit after spending years on their islands.
What.... Skyblock has gone without a reset for 3 years, it generally should have one. This is the creative section, make sure to put the topics in the correct sections next time.
I don't like this reset... They basically ruined the foxking/queen rank... You used to have:
- /disguise
- /ss change (mob)
- /credit pay (player) (amount)
- /pet
- /god (in pvp)
- /fix all, /fix
- /fly
And many more

They have removed everything except for fly, fix all,fix and god out of pvp. I understand that they removed god from pvp but because they removed so much.. Foxqueen/king aint worth that much anymore.. I rly miss the good dope days...
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