Skills Faction Application | [Factions Magma]

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This is for EpicPancakeNinja
-In Game Name Name: EpicPancakeNinja
- Balance: 1.56 mil
-My Power: 10/10
-Any items of significance i have: i have 20 god sets,25 cave spider spawners, 64+gapps, and 1 dub of regular p4
-I have played factions and fox craft for over a year
- Skype: EpicPancakeNinja
-In Game Name: evan8462
-Your balance: 101k
-Your power: 10/10
-Any items of significance you have: Gapples and god sets
-How long have you played Factions: 5 months
-How long have you played on Foxcraft: 4 years
-*Your Skype: tracy.briggs.45 { Don't judge my name }
Bruh I judge everything... jk Accepted.
-In Game Name: UnknownChaos
-Your balance: 1.88M
-Your power: 10/10 (might be lower since I have not been on in a while but I can raise that in like 10-20 min)
-Any items of significance you have: Stacks of TNT and obby
-How long have you played Factions: Played before and was on the top :)
-How long have you played on Foxcraft: around 3-4 years
-*Your Skype: Msg me in-game
-In Game Name: UnknownChaos
-Your balance: 1.88M
-Your power: 10/10 (might be lower since I have not been on in a while but I can raise that in like 10-20 min)
-Any items of significance you have: Stacks of TNT and obby
-How long have you played Factions: Played before and was on the top :)
-How long have you played on Foxcraft: around 3-4 years
-*Your Skype: Msg me in-game
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