Since there's a new forums

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Mar 8, 2016
Since there's a new forums I guess i need a new introduction. Hello I'm @KaboomT and I've been a active member on the old forums but now new forum, new profile (which sucks) so yeah guess I want to say Hi to any new or old people I've known....Hi
Hey dude! I've seen you on Creative a few times, and I like your profile pic, it's cute <3.
Since there's a new forums I guess i need a new introduction. Hello I'm @KaboomT and I've been a active member on the old forums but now new forum, new profile (which sucks) so yeah guess I want to say Hi to any new or old people I've known....Hi
Welcome to the new forums, Kaby! :D
Since there's a new forums I guess i need a new introduction. Hello I'm @KaboomT and I've been a active member on the old forums but now new forum, new profile (which sucks) so yeah guess I want to say Hi to any new or old people I've known....Hi
*Growls* Hello, Kaby....
Hey man nice to meet you! Im sure I've seen you around! I'm glad you're back on forums :)
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