Should obsidian griefing be treated the same as lavawalling?

Do you think placing Obsidian around someones claim should be dealt with the same way as lavawalls?

  • Yes, it should be treated the same.

  • No, it's completely different.

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May 31, 2016
Pennsylvania, USA
So earlier today the area surrounding my cities claim border got griefed with a vast amount of obsidian so I turned to the rules page on the forums and the rules state the following:

Lava walling players or anything of the manner that restricts or hinders other players on friendly servers is included and classified as griefing. Griefing will result in an instant ban with no questions asked.

So after reading that I asked some staff to clarify it, and this particular staff member said "It's not a ban, the rule is more about lava walling and such things." So I argued how it hindered me much more than any lavawall could have. In my experience of things, I would have much rather dealt with a lava-wall than all the obsidian this player left, it would have been much quicker and easier to dispose of, either using TnT or just quicker to destroy with pickaxes. So I asked them "if I were to go around to peoples bases and place stacks and stacks of obsidian all over around it, it would be okay?" and they replied "Well it's not very nice to do that to other players and its annoying but I can't ban you for it."

So you have it here folk, apparently covering the outside of someones claim with obsidian is fully allowed on Survival now according to staff.
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Griefing is griefing lol. if the rules are going to be blunt and not specify what kind of griefing is bannable than all forms of it should be punished
Yeah obsidian griefing is the same as lava walling, Justin already banned 2 people that obby walled/lava walled. The staff that said that must not have known. :eek:
Purposely ruining someone's claim with obsidian, lava, TNT, or even breaking their bases when trusted is griefing. If the rules classify that lava-walling is "griefing" then purposely placing obsidian on someone's claim should be as well.
Purposely ruining someone's claim with obsidian, lava, TNT, or even breaking their bases when trusted is griefing. If the rules classify that lava-walling is "griefing" then purposely placing obsidian on someone's claim should be as well.
According to the rules, if you trust someone to your claim/plot or coop to an island or whatever the case is, then it's not griefing because you added them to it.
However in this instance the player was not added to the claim and it was on the outside of it, and the staff member knew this yet still claims it is allowed.
So earlier today the area surrounding my cities claim border got griefed with a vast amount of obsidian so I turned to the rules page on the forums and the rules state the following:

Lava walling players or anything of the manner that restricts or hinders other players on friendly servers is included and classified as griefing. Griefing will result in an instant ban with no questions asked.

So after reading that I asked some staff to clarify it, and this particular staff member said "It's not a ban, the rule is more about lava walling and such things." So I argued how it hindered me much more than any lavawall could have. In my experience of things, I would have much rather dealt with a lava-wall than all the obsidian this player left, it would have been much quicker and easier to dispose of, either using TnT or just quicker to destroy with pickaxes. So I asked them "if I were to go around to peoples bases and place stacks and stacks of obsidian all over around it, it would be okay?" and they replied "Well it's not very nice to do that to other players and its annoying but I can't ban you for it."

So you have it here folk, apparently covering the outside of someones claim with obsidian is fully allowed on Survival now according to staff.
Staff are small brain
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good luck on trying to get a griefing ban it was done to me in a overwhelming with lava but in the end cloak did nothing so i have no faith in the staff handling your situation sorry to sorry but I had to say it
good luck on trying to get a griefing ban it was done to me in a overwhelming with lava but in the end cloak did nothing so i have no faith in the staff handling your situation sorry to sorry but I had to say it
Jokes on you because Justin handled the same thing for me and they got banned so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
You a real one Justin :)

Each one is a bannable offense what isn’t a bannable offense is a few blocks outside someone’s claim. You blocked me before showing me what your claim looked like and the only ss I got looked there was only 60 blocks max. Because if we are saying it’s all bannable then someone could place 1 block and then get banned which I personally think is dumb.


Each one is a bannable offense what isn’t a bannable offense is a few blocks outside someone’s claim. You blocked me before showing me what your claim looked like and the only ss I got looked there was only 60 blocks max. Because if we are saying it’s all bannable then someone could place 1 block and then get banned which I personally think is dumb.


lol I had multiple people help me clean it up and I ended up having a little over 12 stacks of it in my inventory by the end(not including whatever the other kids had)
lol I had multiple people help me clean it up and I ended up having a little over 12 stacks of it in my inventory by the end(not including whatever the other kids had)

Like I just said, you blocked me before showing me your claim. So the only screenshots I got from someone else of your claim showed hardly any obsidian. Off the screenshot in here I would ban the player, maybe next time don't rush to block. The player was banned for griefing.

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