Should Dansors/Raoul Come Back As Staff?

Shaould Dansors/Raoul Come Back As Staff?

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Nov 16, 2016
There's already 5 P-Helpers and 1 demoted on Foxcraft. Half the helpers are still inactive and barely get on. when they do they are always afk. a former experienced admin should come back and make Foxcraft to its original form. Dansors is a really nice staff member at his time on Foxcraft he proved to be one of the best staff members to be able to take on any situation given to him on the server. He was handpicked once which shows he is trusted and has the ability to change things around. He was really good at looking reports and making sure the forums was up to date. He comes on when other staff members r unlikely to be on due to his timezone. Overall a good and a good addition to the Foxcraft staff team
Comment below ur opinions on Dansors coming back.
Lol... I’m more surprised you can spell my irl name correctly
[doublepost=1509030299,1509030136][/doublepost]Nvm you forgot the ú
Dansors is a very nice person and a good staff member. But, just one admin coming back wont return Foxcraft to its original good days. It will take many updates and more staff coming back. Although, Dansors is indeed good at reports and looking at chat. If he comes back, it'll just make him use his spare time in college or away from work. Won't help Foxcraft that much return to the 400-700 players
I’ll come back if I’m needed, Discussion which is between myself and the manager, I’d rather have this thread closed for now

Thanks for the thread @iStrqfeL appreciate that you want me back :)
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I have Dansors Snapchat.. he looks like he is enjoying his life a lot. As much as we would all want him to come back, do you think he’d drop everything that’s going for him (acting) to come play a game?
I have Dansors Snapchat.. he looks like he is enjoying his life a lot. As much as we would all want him to come back, do you think he’d drop everything that’s going for him (acting) to come play a game?
Wait what’s your Snapchat?! Crap all my drunk snap stories exposed
No matter how much I like Dansors as a person no way should he come back as a staff, he’s been staff around twice and has just resigned due to inactivity, I’ve been Helper twice and staff coming back normally doesn’t end well.
Ly dansors still
No matter how much I like Dansors as a person no way should he come back as a staff, he’s been staff around twice and has just resigned due to inactivity, I’ve been Helper twice and staff coming back normally doesn’t end well.
Ly dansors still

I love you too bby <3 but let me clarify it wasn’t due to inactivity it was because of 2 family deaths close to each other which resulted me to leave. But I definitely get your point
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I definitely think Dansors coming back could fix a lot of the issues with Fox currently. Though, I'm not active on the server at all anymore, when he was Staff he was always hard working and him & Cloak seemed to get along well as well as the other Staff members. Maybe him coming back would mean Fox would eventually start to be playable again. Dan was an amazing Staff and even though I resent the staff team entirely due to corrupt bs. He should come back.
I definitely think Dansors coming back could fix a lot of the issues with Fox currently. Though, I'm not active on the server at all anymore, when he was Staff he was always hard working and him & Cloak seemed to get along well as well as the other Staff members. Maybe him coming back would mean Fox would eventually start to be playable again. Dan was an amazing Staff and even though I resent the staff team entirely due to corrupt bs. He should come back.
Dansors is a very nice person and a good staff member. But, just one admin coming back wont return Foxcraft to its original good days. It will take many updates and more staff coming back. Although, Dansors is indeed good at reports and looking at chat. If he comes back, it'll just make him use his spare time in college or away from work. Won't help Foxcraft that much return to the 400-700 players

I do agree old Foxcraft was the best
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