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Jul 28, 2019
This is not a official vote, just trying to see what the community wants, you know?

Comment below which one you would like to see, and why?'

Return of old Factions gamemode.
More stuff to do in the Main Hub (Minigames, Racetrack, etc)
Freebuild worlds (Griefing is allowed, no protection. No plots. Just straight freebuild in Creative mode)
A more advanced Kitpvp (more kits, new plugin possibly? new map?)
Skywars? Bedwars maybe?
Build Battle? Build Swap Mode? Guess the Build?

These are just a few ideas! You can come up with your own in the comments! Thanks for reading! -Joshua
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Reactions: AbysmalPlays
Skywars, nah bruh the time Skywars last got players were in 2016, so it's dead.
Kitpvp as much I love that server, it's dead.
Factions will never return because cloak hates it, dead.
The entire build games suggestion, Nah bruh if you want build battle go on Hypixel lmfao!
Main Hub, idk about that chief
Freebuild worlds, yes I'd love that idea! Let's just grief everything on creative man! @Clazzo hasn't been working hard on his plots pfft... Just grief everything that took hours to build ofc lovely idea. +1000
This is not a official vote, just trying to see what the community wants, you know?

Comment below which one you would like to see, and why?'

Return of old Factions gamemode.
More stuff to do in the Main Hub (Minigames, Racetrack, etc)
Freebuild worlds (Griefing is allowed, no protection. No plots. Just straight freebuild in Creative mode)
A more advanced Kitpvp (more kits, new plugin possibly? new map?)
Skywars? Bedwars maybe?
Build Battle? Build Swap Mode? Guess the Build?

These are just a few ideas! You can come up with your own in the comments! Thanks for reading! -Joshua
-Old Factions probably.
-Hub minigames are an idea that I can get behind.
-The free building world probably won't be a good idea because not everyone is too fond of griefing as is, a new world promoting it won't settle well with most, probably causing the server to lose players.
-KitPVP just needs more kits.
-Skywars and Bedwars are an amazing idea.
-Build battle type worlds would be a great event for prizes or special perks.
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