Sell Hand

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Jul 14, 2016

I think it would be a cool feature to add /sell hand or/sell inv
its real efficient by using big grinders
another suggest is a bulk shop where you can sell items in Big values (inv/stacks)

No. Just, no. The laziness is too real with this suggestion. It would be OK if there weren't FAT iron golem grinder on almost everyone's islands, but that's not the scenario here. There ARE fat iron golem grinders on people's islands which would make them super rich if this command were to be implemented. Money would no longer be difficult to get. People wouldn't have to work for money anymore. People need to stop making suggestions for lazy people things and learn to do the work themselves.
I agree on what RedTheFox said.

If they want people to sell their stuff faster, there would be sell by 64 signs in stead of 16.
This is done so the selling would take time, so you'll have to put some effort into it if you want to make money.

Also, you might be person #300 suggesting the sell command, congratz :D
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But selling a whole inv of melonslices takes a whole day now... Something to sell stacks of that with 16 would already be much better
But selling a whole inv of melonslices takes a whole day now... Something to sell stacks of that with 16 would already be much better
Maybe that is done because making money should take time, speeding up the selling process would just result in everyone having a lot of money.
No. Just, no. The laziness is too real with this suggestion. It would be OK if there weren't FAT iron golem grinder on almost everyone's islands, but that's not the scenario here. There ARE fat iron golem grinders on people's islands which would make them super rich if this command were to be implemented. Money would no longer be difficult to get. People wouldn't have to work for money anymore. People need to stop making suggestions for lazy people things and learn to do the work themselves.
dude shut up Swagypvp_ is tru its much better with sell hand

I think it would be a cool feature to add /sell hand or/sell inv
its real efficient by using big grinders
another suggest is a bulk shop where you can sell items in Big values (inv/stacks)

Please post this on the Suggestions Forum. Not here. There is a template to follow. Your suggestion can be accepted or not. :)
Please post this on the Suggestions Forum. Not here. There is a template to follow. Your suggestion can be accepted or not. :)
You need to let Staff handle this.

Also, with what has been stated above. It would completely just dilapidate the experience of earning money on SkyBlock. As @RedTheFox999 stated, it would just title you as lazy. Money would just be too easy to receive.
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