Roast Yourself challenge

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Mar 7, 2016
Hey, Foxcrafters! Today I've decided to post something called Roast Yourself Challenge. You technically just post things that are related to what haters say about you, and turn it into a rap. Make up your own! Here's mine, don't judge;

Hey it's Monroe, wait that's not my name. Cuz no one can remember despite her cringeworthy posts for fame.

People only know you cuz you bought a minecraft game, but everybody knows your the Queen of being lame.

Girl your threads are boring! Truly are the simplest. You post so much you should be kicked off the Dedicated Member list!

Aren't you just a 10 year old ****? Girl, no one believes your age, you have no life. Grace take your makeup off!

What's up with your shaved hair? It was cool in twenty ten. It doesn't look good now, and it didn't back then.

What's up with your brows? Did they disappear? Girl without and with makeup, your face gives me fear!

That's not how you use it, not grammatically correct! You're such a disgrace, and show the staff some respect!

If she posts another, depressed quote or thread, I'm going to unfollow and make a hate page.

Aren't you gonna quit changing your username? You're a joke of an American, so far from being cool, Wannabe girl, you're the weakest in the pool.

Your job is being on the internet, yeah that's pretty dope. But what comes after that? You legit have no

You should probably say Literally one more damn time, it really shows your intellect, and lets your smarts shine.

Turning the camera away just to hide your face, out here in Foxcraft you'll never find your place!

Now let's cut to the chase, this has gone on too long, you're a basic blonde satan trying to rap a song!

Stick to post farming girl, that's all that you know. Your rhymes are crappy, and so is your flow!
Don't judge my rapping skills. It took all night to come up with the words. I know I didn't even sing, but it's all I could do. Now Make up your own! Post down below, I'd love to hear! It may take a while, but it's really fun just to insult yourself. Show people you don't care.

  • Must be a rap
  • Has to be at least three sentences
  • Rhyme
  • No hate.
  • No off-topic
  • Must insult yourself through the rap otherwise it wouldn't be a Roast rap challenge.
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Yo snoop you look like a piece of ****,
You rap so badly it makes me wanna commit.
You look like an asian dude that just lost a potato
why don't we turn you upside down so you'll turn into a red tomato.
Your videos make me vomit i try to tell you that they're good,
but then ill just be lying,
participation award i see you be trying.
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(I created this for a YT vid)First of all you only have 30 subscribers when you've been doing YouTube for hmm, 5 months, you're so pale that I though you were Edward from twilight, how much do you weigh, 20 pounds? Hey that's your grade in every single class besides PE, you have a 0,0,0.seems like the amount of pounds you lift while struggling, you're so small that I thought you were f****** faze apex, you're probably brothers with the shortest man alive, I'm surprised you even have 1 friend, how much did you have to pay him? You probably won't be able to sleep at night anymore because there's probably water over the bed because each center meter of water is the amount of time I roasted your white *** in this, you can't even tell what hacks are meanwhile you hack, we can tell that from your "bajancanadian exposed" video, I think all of those 8 people who liked your video fingers or mouse slided to the left accidentally , think you have 6 pack abs, but I know you have a six pack of flabs, after this "roast yourself challenge" you will probably be roasted, toasted and burned to a crisp you were probably voted as "guy we did not know who went to our school" It's funny how you think you got game when really you are lame, if I were you I would be ashamed to tell anyone my first name, Your raps are pretty lame and u think u got game, ur the same as the rest just don't know when to quit, I think I spit enough fire but honestly I'm sorry for all of those burns and I think medical attention won't fix them also
(M Dawg, is out)

Waddup, it's Adrienne
Who? Is she that Mexican?
You know you always get called out for having darker skin
You make such a big deal over racial ambiguousness, you'd think it was a sin
You suck at fitting in
If there was a competition for fashion, you know that you would never win
Oh, and your stories? You seem to be always exaggerating
To make it seem like your life's exciting
Don't even get me started on your attitude
Why you always act so rude?
No wonder why you have no friends
You diss all of their cringey trends
You try to act like you're so special
But you're just a pretentious hipster who likes punk and metal
In fact, you're an antisocial know-it-all shut-in
It seems like you hate people, not even excluding your family and kin
You try so hard to be a classy queen with your ballet and violin
But I'll let everyone know they're checking a wannabe in
What is this thing you call it? Hypo?
It translates to hangry little smart alec for all I know
You answer every question about yourself with "I don't know"
But I think it's very clear to see that you're a try hard emo
But now I finished telling you what you know already
I know you got things to do and and we know Adrienne's super slow
Now my toasty roasted rap is finished
How's that pride taste now that it's diminished?


Waddup, it's Adrienne
Who? Is she that Mexican?
You know you always get called out for having darker skin
You make such a big deal over racial ambiguousness, you'd think it was a sin
You suck at fitting in
If there was a competition for fashion, you know that you would never win
Oh, and your stories? You seem to be always exaggerating
To make it seem like your life's exciting
Don't even get me started on your attitude
Why you always act so rude?
No wonder why you have no friends
You diss all of their cringey trends
You try to act like you're so special
But you're just a pretentious hipster who likes punk and metal
In fact, you're an antisocial know-it-all shut-in
It seems like you hate people, not even excluding your family and kin
You try so hard to be a classy queen with your ballet and violin
But I'll let everyone know they're checking a wannabe in
What is this thing you call it? Hypo?
It translates to hangry little smart alec for all I know
You answer every question about yourself with "I don't know"
But I think it's very clear to see that you're a try hard emo
But now I finished telling you what you know already
I know you got things to do and and we know Adrienne's super slow
Now my toasty roasted rap is finished
How's that pride taste now that it's diminished?

Best one yet!!!!
Yo! 41690, you name is all numbers, is that the only thing you can think of? NERD!
Edit: Hmm, I look like Vomit? Shout out to @NerdyLoveAce____ , for the "**** You" comment!
my sister Came in a wrote that, I was going to get a drink,
[doublepost=1469230472,1469229390][/doublepost]My roast my self

Gabby? what a dumb name. So original Like your face.

You started minecraft in 2012? Such a old lady.

You are so fast at typing, You win the race. Oh whats that? You brag!

You Bought vip+? It wont work? Wow, You probley Cryed,

You like lps? Wow. Such a werido,

Gabby? what did I say. You need to quit, Cuz your such a noob,

You research minecraft? wow. Whats coming out next? I bet its the dumb mod, You might be the first to play

You cant spell? Then quit and learn. I bet your in kindergarden waiting to learn

Hmmm. Wait what? you cant use w//e? Wow. I bet you`ve been learning for about 10 years!

Can you dab? You cant rap. I can tell that, What about whip? or Nae nae? WOW!

yes. ;-; I'm abusive to myself
[doublepost=1469230648][/doublepost]10 on your 1st one. that's me lol
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NiqhtmareFuel? What kind of name is that? You don't bring Nightmares
you just bring ******.

No one really needs you, You're just a spoiled brat.
You think you're useful HAH how stupid is that?

All I hear from you is just you whining about
your problems. Why don't you just stop being
a ***** and whip off those fake *** tears.
Oh wait you can't. You try gaining sympathy
but all you get is hate.

Don't try being great because like I
said you'll just get hate.

You try to roast other people
but all you roast is yourself.

You talk **** but when someone
points you out, All we see is
those bitchy *** tears.

Get gud you l0s3r.
Krosi, Croissant? What is that girl's name? Who cares anyway, it is so lame.
The chick who sucks Producing's ****? She makes me so sick.
Skinny, white, ***** that's what you are.
Mhm, we could tell from afar.
Suck up-Op wannabe. Think you've been disguising it? It's easy to see.
You refuse to show us an irl picture, what are you hiding? Oh, it's to your parents strict rules you are abiding.
100 reports before helper, like we care?
You couldn't tell what hacking looks like if you had to, to breathe air.
Show us more of your music. Oh wait, please don't. You tell us to listen to it but surely we won't.
You're too dumb to even continue this rap.
Now your wrist deserves a slap.

I had to.
someone write me a roast, hmu in the pm, and i'll post it myself.

i roasted myself then, right?
Lol did you base this off of something?... Sounds an awful lot like a roast yourself I heard on YouTube. Just asking.
Oh, I know. It simply a question though, I'm sure it doesn't hurt to answer.
If I was rude, sorry. I'm just defensive over things, and I like people to respect rules. I did copy the rap, and I thought you guys knew that. So yes, I did.
I'll have staff clear the off-topic comments.
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