Yesh, forks! It's time for another of those Hyllus' signature motivation/band-together-to-make-change threads.
Please list your ideas below, for the good of the server! I know a lot of you have lots of ideas, so go ahead.
Thanks for looking at this thread, and being part of Foxcraft
Have a nice day.
-Hillis | Jash
Reviving Foxcraft Forums
In case you haven't noticed, the forums have been rather dead recently. There's only been 10-30 members on, whereas on the server, there's hundreds. I think in order to revive the forums, there should be a larger incentive to coming to the forums. So, please help me and others come up with ideas. I really hate to see the forums so dead. I think that the forums are a large part of the server, so this could even bolster the player count.Please list your ideas below, for the good of the server! I know a lot of you have lots of ideas, so go ahead.
Thanks for looking at this thread, and being part of Foxcraft

-Hillis | Jash