Resignation...againn :>

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Mar 30, 2016
Woo it's that time of the year laddies! When Total resigns again!
Now I know what you're thinking:
"Total this is the same **** you pulled off last time don't throw that in my face again boiii"
Now now children, this time it isn't solely colleges fault. I mean hey, what's better than figuring out that you've basically been a victim of child abuse for the last 17 years by mental and emotional manipulation amirite?
So essentially I have a lot on my plate, I have a life to sort out, and I've got some things to cope with. By now, no duh you've barely seen me online - I more work behind the scenes than anything else because it was easier than bringing myself to play MC.
I've got some good friends who are helping me cope with my situation. Though it's on one Discord server, I may start bringing that over to the Frog Kingdom server for a select few that I trust to indulge upon. (I mean hey join anyways because ykno, the more the merrier!)
At this point, due to my situation and my overall boredom of Minecraft, I probably won't ever touch the game again, or at least play on a somewhat regular basis.
Uhhmmm, personal messages again I guess.
My man, my boi Avy. I have watched you go from Helper, to Mod, to Admin. And as a tutee of mine that's pretty damn good. You got some talent I guess? I mean I'm not sure Minecraft staffing is a talent but hey, you never know, could get ya somewhere. Have fun with your life!
Disappointing child No. 2, how are you? We've been friends for yearsssss and still are I guess. I was your one and only tutor, however you've done so well on your own I didn't even need to help you out! Truly talented in that regard, not even I could go alone without help when I started. Good luck on your college and all that!
Disappointing child No. 1, oh boi. What a character you are! Please stop calling me Daddy in calls (it's awkward I guess, I mean keep doing it if you want me to cringe and suffer). Have a good oneeeeeeeeeee!!
Ol' wise guy Ronny, old man Ron man. You've helped me through bits of my life and it's been great my man! I haven't been relying on you so much for the mental stuff though, not because I don't trust you, mainly because I have my college m8s who understand the situation a lot better xD, keep up the good work man!
I will continue to support anything you guys do in the way I can (I guess, I ain't paying you tho). Let's just hope I don't get so irrelevant that you all forget about me huh? Good luck with wherever life takes you!
Just know that I love you all in your own ways (Except for Strafe), and that you're all cool (Again, except for Strafe).
Singing out, uh, how do I end these again?
- TotalMM
It was a pleasure working with you the chances that I've had to, Total!

and uh, well idk if you realized but I think you forgot me in those personal messages :<
Ay you too!
Also not hogging the attention of you resigning too, my issues just happened to conveniently pop up the same time as your resignation
I wish you luck total! I hope you can have success in college and make it through your situation, it was a fun time working and laughing with you! Cya later mate!
Noooo!! tutor/papito/Froggo King!! We've been friends since you joined the server pretty much! i helped you in the beginning and then you've helped me <3 I loved our conversations and all the pranks that me and Snaz have done on you xd thankyou for being there for me without even realising, i hope things get better for you and i hope you do well in college also <3
Noooo!! tutor/papito/Froggo King!! We've been friends since you joined the server pretty much! i helped you in the beginning and then you've helped me <3 I loved our conversations and all the pranks that me and Snaz have done on you xd thankyou for being there for me without even realising, i hope things get better for you and i hope you do well in college also <3
Same goes with you for college! And times have been good, hopefully they'll continue!!

You will never hear my sings skills ever again erm
You don't have singing skills m8.
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