Reset Kingdoms

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New Member
Feb 9, 2020
The playerbase on Kingdoms on this day Saturday 16th May, did not exceed 10 players.
I think its time for a reset, the server is plauged by dupers, neutral Kingdoms and god damn assassin gir which is 2 damn OP.

-We need a reset badly
-1 Disagree. The server as a whole has been very slow the last week or two. It has nothing to do with needing a reset. Assassin is in no way too op.
As I've said countless times, Assassin's gear is not OP. It's actually carefully balanced, but no one bothers to take the time and figure out how it works.
To address your other points-
Plagued by dupers...? Maybe I'm missing something, but I really haven't seen much if any duping. Neutral kingdoms are being balanced out as time goes, on, if you keep up with the changelogs you'd see that.

As for the playercount, if a reset actually improved the active players, that might be a good thing, but from my experience, a lot of people would come back for a few weeks to a month before leaving for the same reasons they left in the first place.
Guess we'll have to see how it goes.
The playerbase on Kingdoms on this day Saturday 16th May, did not exceed 10 players.
I think its time for a reset, the server is plauged by dupers, neutral Kingdoms and god damn assassin gir which is 2 damn OP.

-We need a reset badly
replace it with factions pog
ffs no, how many posts about resetting kingdoms until you people realise how dumb of an idea it is? you arent fixing any problems. most people just want a reset for selfish reasons because they fail to understand how to play the gamemode and want a quick way to the top, that isnt happening, and in this case, you're flat out wrong. -1
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