[Read Me] My Two Cents, Again.

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Mar 7, 2016


This thread WAS NOT created to throw shade or hate on anyone. I just disagree/agree with some things that have happened and would like to state my own opinion in a peaceful, pleasing manner. If you have disrespectful comments to place, please keep them to yourself.

*clears throat*

Hello Foxcrafters. Today I would just like to address a couple of issues that I believe have become pretty common issues through-out the community, and some problems on the forums that have been bugging me because I haven't stated anything.

Let's get right into the rant
( you're the real OG if you understand where that comes from )

1. 'Sucking up'

Let me begin by saying what I believe "Sucking up" and/or "Sucking off" is, used in the term of being nice to someone to receive perks, or any items in-game or outside of Minecraft.

My personal belief is that it is human nature, and a natural instinct in most of us to be generous and nice to someone who we want something from. You don't just ask your Mom for a $60 rank on a Minecraft server, then treat her terribly, right? "Sucking up" is a pretty commonly used term on many Minecraft servers because of how many Staff hopefuls become very generous and nice to members of the Administration team of that server, BUT I disagree with how it is used.

Sucking up should be used (IMO) when a player has constant disrespect towards (a) player(s), then is the most respectful and generous person to them. Sucking up isn't just for Staff. Players are nice to anyone for things. If you wanted full diamond gear on KitPvP, I doubt you'd treat the player like ****, just like you did yesterday, right? This would be sucking up in my book. You hate the person, you talk **** about them, maybe even start rumors about them, but you're very nice & you "use" them for their advantages and items.

Sucking up shouldn't be used (IMO) when a player is always nice and respectful to a player, and is keeping that a habit towards a player. I'm not going to lie, I do dislike a couple of the administration team members (not going to name names, but it's only like 1 or 2 of them) but I'm rarely disrespectful to them. I commonly see people also accusing @LifeGeon or @Cyclize for sucking up to Staff members, when they are just being kind and nice to them. Maybe they want Staff, but you aren't going to get Staff by being disrespectful, now aren't you?

In conclusion, sucking up should only be used in certain circumstances, if used in general. IMO it's a pretty rude term but if you'd like to use it, by all means.

IMO = In my opinion.

2. Donation Packages.

Here comes the hate, because I can guarantee you I will have MANY disagreements with my opinion.

Personally, I believe the individual donation rank packages are great. Most players paid the $ for a global rank, and most likely only used it on 1-2 servers, which is just a waste of your time & earned money. You want to buy something that you'll get all of your money out of, right? Mostly everyone's theory is that we have individual ranks because Affixes joined, and (correct me if I'm wrong) came from a server called LemonCloud, which had individual rank packages on it. That isn't my theory at all. We've had individual ranks for a while since Affixes was here. Ranks weren't fully global, you never had your rank on Prison. Prison then gets it's set of Packages, that's an individual donation package right there. Factions then moves along and gets individual packages because of the issues with donations, and people just simply wanted it there like that. Individual packages for Factions got boosted and now you get more permissions and items for paying for that. Most servers began to follow through with this system, and I see no room for complaints. You end up buying what you want, and not spending extra money for a global rank, plus the perks and all of that stuff was boosted. I personally see no issue with this, but my next opinion could be the reason some of you are a bit butt-hurt about this.

3. Perks for Donators

Personally, I've seen a lot of hate against the donation perks. Some hate is about KitPvP with losing donation kits, and some is about the perks on Survival with /god,/speed, etc. and I personally agree with these people 100%. We paid for these perks and/or didn't pay for these perks, and they were taken right from us, and to get them back we have to pay many amounts of money to get the highest rank. Things were slipped right from under us that we paid for, and we lost it. I feel some of the ranks aren't really worth as much as we paid for them from loss of perks, with barely if anything added onto it.

4. Applying for Staff

Simple as this: I believe people should be able to apply and say they would like to get staff in a peaceful manner without players flipping out, insulting them, and just getting all hostile on the player.

Thanks for reading.

I'm usually nice to everyone, unless I have a bad history with them or they're talking mad crap on me, but any-whoo caleb makes a good point, as many know I'm going for helper and why would I think of being disrespectful to players and staff and I expect in return the rank, no, but I'm not two sided and I'm usually generous to all. :DD
If you disagree (legit, not with sarcasm) please at least state your reason(s) why.
Well, I partially disagree with some things said. Mostly with the Global Ranks thing. I play almost every server, save the prisons every time I'm on. Before, it was just nice to have the option of having perks on every server. Often, people lose interest in one server and find a new one. It would be nice for them to have perks in order to play what they paid for. If there was a way we could have both, I would whole heartedly support it. They both have their pros and cons, but together cancel out. I agree with all else said. Hope you don't receive too much hate, and thanks for the great read.
Well, I partially disagree with some things said. Mostly with the Global Ranks thing. I play almost every server, save the prisons every time I'm on. Before, it was just nice to have the option of having perks on every server. Often, people lose interest in one server and find a new one. It would be nice for them to have perks in order to play what they paid for. If there was a way we could have both, I would whole heartedly support it. They both have their pros and cons, but together cancel out. I agree with all else said. Hope you don't receive too much hate, and thanks for the great read.

Thank you for making a pleasant response.
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This thread WAS NOT created to throw shade or hate on anyone. I just disagree/agree with some things that have happened and would like to state my own opinion in a peaceful, pleasing manner. If you have disrespectful comments to place, please keep them to yourself.

*clears throat*

Hello Foxcrafters. Today I would just like to address a couple of issues that I believe have become pretty common issues through-out the community, and some problems on the forums that have been bugging me because I haven't stated anything.

Let's get right into the rant
( you're the real OG if you understand where that comes from )

1. 'Sucking up'

Let me begin by saying what I believe "Sucking up" and/or "Sucking off" is, used in the term of being nice to someone to receive perks, or any items in-game or outside of Minecraft.

My personal belief is that it is human nature, and a natural instinct in most of us to be generous and nice to someone who we want something from. You don't just ask your Mom for a $60 rank on a Minecraft server, then treat her terribly, right? "Sucking up" is a pretty commonly used term on many Minecraft servers because of how many Staff hopefuls become very generous and nice to members of the Administration team of that server, BUT I disagree with how it is used.

Sucking up should be used (IMO) when a player has constant disrespect towards (a) player(s), then is the most respectful and generous person to them. Sucking up isn't just for Staff. Players are nice to anyone for things. If you wanted full diamond gear on KitPvP, I doubt you'd treat the player like ****, just like you did yesterday, right? This would be sucking up in my book. You hate the person, you talk **** about them, maybe even start rumors about them, but you're very nice & you "use" them for their advantages and items.

Sucking up shouldn't be used (IMO) when a player is always nice and respectful to a player, and is keeping that a habit towards a player. I'm not going to lie, I do dislike a couple of the administration team members (not going to name names, but it's only like 1 or 2 of them) but I'm rarely disrespectful to them. I commonly see people also accusing @LifeGeon or @Cyclize for sucking up to Staff members, when they are just being kind and nice to them. Maybe they want Staff, but you aren't going to get Staff by being disrespectful, now aren't you?

In conclusion, sucking up should only be used in certain circumstances, if used in general. IMO it's a pretty rude term but if you'd like to use it, by all means.

IMO = In my opinion.

2. Donation Packages.

Here comes the hate, because I can guarantee you I will have MANY disagreements with my opinion.

Personally, I believe the individual donation rank packages are great. Most players paid the $ for a global rank, and most likely only used it on 1-2 servers, which is just a waste of your time & earned money. You want to buy something that you'll get all of your money out of, right? Mostly everyone's theory is that we have individual ranks because Affixes joined, and (correct me if I'm wrong) came from a server called LemonCloud, which had individual rank packages on it. That isn't my theory at all. We've had individual ranks for a while since Affixes was here. Ranks weren't fully global, you never had your rank on Prison. Prison then gets it's set of Packages, that's an individual donation package right there. Factions then moves along and gets individual packages because of the issues with donations, and people just simply wanted it there like that. Individual packages for Factions got boosted and now you get more permissions and items for paying for that. Most servers began to follow through with this system, and I see no room for complaints. You end up buying what you want, and not spending extra money for a global rank, plus the perks and all of that stuff was boosted. I personally see no issue with this, but my next opinion could be the reason some of you are a bit butt-hurt about this.

3. Perks for Donators

Personally, I've seen a lot of hate against the donation perks. Some hate is about KitPvP with losing donation kits, and some is about the perks on Survival with /god,/speed, etc. and I personally agree with these people 100%. We paid for these perks and/or didn't pay for these perks, and they were taken right from us, and to get them back we have to pay many amounts of money to get the highest rank. Things were slipped right from under us that we paid for, and we lost it. I feel some of the ranks aren't really worth as much as we paid for them from loss of perks, with barely if anything added onto it.

4. Applying for Staff

Simple as this: I believe people should be able to apply and say they would like to get staff in a peaceful manner without players flipping out, insulting them, and just getting all hostile on the player.

Thanks for reading.


Thanks for making this thread;)
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I didn't, but I have sort of seen a part of it.
Yeah, I figured. I can see the cause of this thread then.
[doublepost=1461283170,1461282730][/doublepost]I must say though; if that was not sucking up, then what is? I see other people who are trying to get in the staff team, but even so, they hold onto their own ideals, and enter without favoritism. So if sucking up is human nature, then maybe these people aren't human?
I would also like to add to the "sucking up" part. As you have mentioned in this thread about people suckinb up for staff. The second the helper apps come around or theres rumors about it everyone acts very mature but just days before had terrible behaviour. If you have a terrible recent past like that the chances are you wouldn't be accepted.
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