Multiple times over the last few days I have been griefed, claim stolen, and just generally harassed by a select few toxic kingdoms/players.
It has been a specific three players, and each time I had to go far out of my way to try and gather evidence, because this server has lots of rules protecting griefers from punishment.
I get that each server has the right to decide what is and isn't allowed, but most of the stuff that's happened would definitely not slide on literally any other server I have ever played.
There seems to be a general environment that just breeds toxicity including rewarding toxic players, and nothing seems to be being done about it.
Now I won't name any names, but each of the three times I have been griefed and harassed, I noticed a connection that they all seem to be on good terms/friends with a certain moderator. Two out of the three times the players went either completely unpunished because they skirted around the rule or got a minor slap on the wrist. The third example is where I made this connection.
Example 1: a player harassed me and my kingdom over 30 times, stole a plot of land inside my town to teleport directly inside and finished it off by spamming obsidian all throughout my base which I had to spend over half an hour cleaning up. Unamed mod #1 was the one who punished this player and the player got a 12hr ban from doing all that.
Example 2: player got a traitorous teamate to teleport him inside my base, claimed three plots of land directly inside my town and dug holes underneath us and poured lava on our heads (me and 3 other teamates) and finished it off by destroying a house in the town destroying my farm and placing lava trying to kill me, also griefed the houses inside the plots of land that were stolen. A lot of other griefing to my base also appeared at the same time but I had no way of proving it was player#2. Unamed mod #2 was the one who punished this player and the player got a 7 day ban which is reasonable for all that.
Example 3: a player further griefed the houses inside the land that was stolen by player2 (they were in same kd) continued this by claiming half the house of a new player who didn't know better then to build outside of a claim, and refused to do give it back even when a mod tried to intervene. And finished it off by sending an alternate account inside my kingdom to grief and unclaim plots of land in my kingdom. Unamed mod #1 was the one who answered the report and player 3 got off without any punishment whatsoever.
What I got told the by moderators for each time:
In example1 I got told "players can claim when and wherever they want". This was about player 1 stealing a plot of land direct inside my town.
In example2 I got told the same thing above but an included "shouldn't have let your player teleport the griefer inside your base" as if I have control over players being traitors
In example3 I got told same thing again but also got told "you shouldn't have invited [the alt] into your kingdom (I didn't, they joined). and when I pointed that out i got told "shouldn't have given them perms to unclaim plots" (once again I didn't, the alt didn't have perms to do that but they said directly said "I sent an alt into your kingdom to unclaim plots")
Some similarities between these three example that I noticed:
Each time I got told the same thing: You should have claimed everything so that plots can't be stolen. That is physically not possible, plots cost 175 mana each and as a starting kingdom I don't have the 5,100 mana required to claim almost 30 plots off the bat.
Each time I noticed a similarity between unamed mod #1 and the players being friends/ saying that nothing will happen to them because "I know [blank]" with player3 openly stating "I'm friends with [mod#1] nothing will happen to me" I have also noticed lots of conversations between mod1 and these three players, specifically 1&2. Which although proves nothing, it adds to the pattern.
There is no rules in place protecting the normal players from any of this, including griefing. But there seem to be quite a few rules protecting the griefers/toxic players from punishment including "griefing isn't allowed in elysium, it'd pretty much your own fault if you get griefed"
Things like that, directly enable the toxicity and make the server quite less enjoyable.
It seems like if you know a mod, you are above the law, which makes it quite unfair for the normal player/everybody else. These things in general just slowly ruin the playing experience and have made the server unpleasant to play on at times.
I noticed it seems each time I'm just being told "its your own fault if anything happens to you" or "should've done [blank]" as if new players are born with the knowledge that this is how this server works.
I just want to play the game. And all three of these times I havnt done a single thing to deserve this.
Finally, I know this is risky to say because I'm just a player and realistically can't do anything except complain. But I would appreciate it if an unbiased mod was the one dealing with this, the bias is directly enabling toxicity and bullies for anybody in a position of power. And it makes the server less enjoyable as a result.
There is no point of even reporting people if they get off the hook for no matter what they do. And there's is way more rules protecting the griefers then the players.
All of this would be a non-issue if something like Rollback was on the server, it directly tell mods who did what and when, and also it restores griefed builds so players have some compensation. Or if the mods bothered to go back and check the chat logs it would also solve a lot of problems. With rollback it would stop the "nothing can be done because you don't have a direct screenshot of in the moment as it's happening".
I literally got told "this is screenshot of the chat, there's no way to prove it happened in elysium"
There is no point of having a bunch of rules if they are purposefully vague and only solidify when it comes to protecting the griefers/asssholes. I've seen people get punished way harsher and longer for having 1 too many capital letters in a sentence, then for a direct screenshot of a player spamming obsidian all around my base
Ps. Since it now has been confirmed that creating alts to infiltrate sabotage other kingdoms is a-ok because "shouldn't have let them into your kingdom" Is a thing. I will get right to work
It has been a specific three players, and each time I had to go far out of my way to try and gather evidence, because this server has lots of rules protecting griefers from punishment.
I get that each server has the right to decide what is and isn't allowed, but most of the stuff that's happened would definitely not slide on literally any other server I have ever played.
There seems to be a general environment that just breeds toxicity including rewarding toxic players, and nothing seems to be being done about it.
Now I won't name any names, but each of the three times I have been griefed and harassed, I noticed a connection that they all seem to be on good terms/friends with a certain moderator. Two out of the three times the players went either completely unpunished because they skirted around the rule or got a minor slap on the wrist. The third example is where I made this connection.
Example 1: a player harassed me and my kingdom over 30 times, stole a plot of land inside my town to teleport directly inside and finished it off by spamming obsidian all throughout my base which I had to spend over half an hour cleaning up. Unamed mod #1 was the one who punished this player and the player got a 12hr ban from doing all that.
Example 2: player got a traitorous teamate to teleport him inside my base, claimed three plots of land directly inside my town and dug holes underneath us and poured lava on our heads (me and 3 other teamates) and finished it off by destroying a house in the town destroying my farm and placing lava trying to kill me, also griefed the houses inside the plots of land that were stolen. A lot of other griefing to my base also appeared at the same time but I had no way of proving it was player#2. Unamed mod #2 was the one who punished this player and the player got a 7 day ban which is reasonable for all that.
Example 3: a player further griefed the houses inside the land that was stolen by player2 (they were in same kd) continued this by claiming half the house of a new player who didn't know better then to build outside of a claim, and refused to do give it back even when a mod tried to intervene. And finished it off by sending an alternate account inside my kingdom to grief and unclaim plots of land in my kingdom. Unamed mod #1 was the one who answered the report and player 3 got off without any punishment whatsoever.
What I got told the by moderators for each time:
In example1 I got told "players can claim when and wherever they want". This was about player 1 stealing a plot of land direct inside my town.
In example2 I got told the same thing above but an included "shouldn't have let your player teleport the griefer inside your base" as if I have control over players being traitors
In example3 I got told same thing again but also got told "you shouldn't have invited [the alt] into your kingdom (I didn't, they joined). and when I pointed that out i got told "shouldn't have given them perms to unclaim plots" (once again I didn't, the alt didn't have perms to do that but they said directly said "I sent an alt into your kingdom to unclaim plots")
Some similarities between these three example that I noticed:
Each time I got told the same thing: You should have claimed everything so that plots can't be stolen. That is physically not possible, plots cost 175 mana each and as a starting kingdom I don't have the 5,100 mana required to claim almost 30 plots off the bat.
Each time I noticed a similarity between unamed mod #1 and the players being friends/ saying that nothing will happen to them because "I know [blank]" with player3 openly stating "I'm friends with [mod#1] nothing will happen to me" I have also noticed lots of conversations between mod1 and these three players, specifically 1&2. Which although proves nothing, it adds to the pattern.
There is no rules in place protecting the normal players from any of this, including griefing. But there seem to be quite a few rules protecting the griefers/toxic players from punishment including "griefing isn't allowed in elysium, it'd pretty much your own fault if you get griefed"
Things like that, directly enable the toxicity and make the server quite less enjoyable.
It seems like if you know a mod, you are above the law, which makes it quite unfair for the normal player/everybody else. These things in general just slowly ruin the playing experience and have made the server unpleasant to play on at times.
I noticed it seems each time I'm just being told "its your own fault if anything happens to you" or "should've done [blank]" as if new players are born with the knowledge that this is how this server works.
I just want to play the game. And all three of these times I havnt done a single thing to deserve this.
Finally, I know this is risky to say because I'm just a player and realistically can't do anything except complain. But I would appreciate it if an unbiased mod was the one dealing with this, the bias is directly enabling toxicity and bullies for anybody in a position of power. And it makes the server less enjoyable as a result.
There is no point of even reporting people if they get off the hook for no matter what they do. And there's is way more rules protecting the griefers then the players.
All of this would be a non-issue if something like Rollback was on the server, it directly tell mods who did what and when, and also it restores griefed builds so players have some compensation. Or if the mods bothered to go back and check the chat logs it would also solve a lot of problems. With rollback it would stop the "nothing can be done because you don't have a direct screenshot of in the moment as it's happening".
I literally got told "this is screenshot of the chat, there's no way to prove it happened in elysium"
There is no point of having a bunch of rules if they are purposefully vague and only solidify when it comes to protecting the griefers/asssholes. I've seen people get punished way harsher and longer for having 1 too many capital letters in a sentence, then for a direct screenshot of a player spamming obsidian all around my base
Ps. Since it now has been confirmed that creating alts to infiltrate sabotage other kingdoms is a-ok because "shouldn't have let them into your kingdom" Is a thing. I will get right to work