Questions about server rules

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May 19, 2023
Multiple times over the last few days I have been griefed, claim stolen, and just generally harassed by a select few toxic kingdoms/players.
It has been a specific three players, and each time I had to go far out of my way to try and gather evidence, because this server has lots of rules protecting griefers from punishment.
I get that each server has the right to decide what is and isn't allowed, but most of the stuff that's happened would definitely not slide on literally any other server I have ever played.

There seems to be a general environment that just breeds toxicity including rewarding toxic players, and nothing seems to be being done about it.
Now I won't name any names, but each of the three times I have been griefed and harassed, I noticed a connection that they all seem to be on good terms/friends with a certain moderator. Two out of the three times the players went either completely unpunished because they skirted around the rule or got a minor slap on the wrist. The third example is where I made this connection.
Example 1: a player harassed me and my kingdom over 30 times, stole a plot of land inside my town to teleport directly inside and finished it off by spamming obsidian all throughout my base which I had to spend over half an hour cleaning up. Unamed mod #1 was the one who punished this player and the player got a 12hr ban from doing all that.
Example 2: player got a traitorous teamate to teleport him inside my base, claimed three plots of land directly inside my town and dug holes underneath us and poured lava on our heads (me and 3 other teamates) and finished it off by destroying a house in the town destroying my farm and placing lava trying to kill me, also griefed the houses inside the plots of land that were stolen. A lot of other griefing to my base also appeared at the same time but I had no way of proving it was player#2. Unamed mod #2 was the one who punished this player and the player got a 7 day ban which is reasonable for all that.
Example 3: a player further griefed the houses inside the land that was stolen by player2 (they were in same kd) continued this by claiming half the house of a new player who didn't know better then to build outside of a claim, and refused to do give it back even when a mod tried to intervene. And finished it off by sending an alternate account inside my kingdom to grief and unclaim plots of land in my kingdom. Unamed mod #1 was the one who answered the report and player 3 got off without any punishment whatsoever.

What I got told the by moderators for each time:
In example1 I got told "players can claim when and wherever they want". This was about player 1 stealing a plot of land direct inside my town.
In example2 I got told the same thing above but an included "shouldn't have let your player teleport the griefer inside your base" as if I have control over players being traitors
In example3 I got told same thing again but also got told "you shouldn't have invited [the alt] into your kingdom (I didn't, they joined). and when I pointed that out i got told "shouldn't have given them perms to unclaim plots" (once again I didn't, the alt didn't have perms to do that but they said directly said "I sent an alt into your kingdom to unclaim plots")

Some similarities between these three example that I noticed:
Each time I got told the same thing: You should have claimed everything so that plots can't be stolen. That is physically not possible, plots cost 175 mana each and as a starting kingdom I don't have the 5,100 mana required to claim almost 30 plots off the bat.
Each time I noticed a similarity between unamed mod #1 and the players being friends/ saying that nothing will happen to them because "I know [blank]" with player3 openly stating "I'm friends with [mod#1] nothing will happen to me" I have also noticed lots of conversations between mod1 and these three players, specifically 1&2. Which although proves nothing, it adds to the pattern.

There is no rules in place protecting the normal players from any of this, including griefing. But there seem to be quite a few rules protecting the griefers/toxic players from punishment including "griefing isn't allowed in elysium, it'd pretty much your own fault if you get griefed"
Things like that, directly enable the toxicity and make the server quite less enjoyable.
It seems like if you know a mod, you are above the law, which makes it quite unfair for the normal player/everybody else. These things in general just slowly ruin the playing experience and have made the server unpleasant to play on at times.

I noticed it seems each time I'm just being told "its your own fault if anything happens to you" or "should've done [blank]" as if new players are born with the knowledge that this is how this server works.
I just want to play the game. And all three of these times I havnt done a single thing to deserve this.

Finally, I know this is risky to say because I'm just a player and realistically can't do anything except complain. But I would appreciate it if an unbiased mod was the one dealing with this, the bias is directly enabling toxicity and bullies for anybody in a position of power. And it makes the server less enjoyable as a result.
There is no point of even reporting people if they get off the hook for no matter what they do. And there's is way more rules protecting the griefers then the players.

All of this would be a non-issue if something like Rollback was on the server, it directly tell mods who did what and when, and also it restores griefed builds so players have some compensation. Or if the mods bothered to go back and check the chat logs it would also solve a lot of problems. With rollback it would stop the "nothing can be done because you don't have a direct screenshot of in the moment as it's happening".
I literally got told "this is screenshot of the chat, there's no way to prove it happened in elysium"
There is no point of having a bunch of rules if they are purposefully vague and only solidify when it comes to protecting the griefers/asssholes. I've seen people get punished way harsher and longer for having 1 too many capital letters in a sentence, then for a direct screenshot of a player spamming obsidian all around my base

Ps. Since it now has been confirmed that creating alts to infiltrate sabotage other kingdoms is a-ok because "shouldn't have let them into your kingdom" Is a thing. I will get right to work :)
Also you make the story better so it doesnt sound like you did anything wrong… just wait until i come back (for legal reasons this is a joke)
Also you make the story better so it doesnt sound like you did anything wrong… just wait until i come back (for legal reasons this is a joke)
I have screenshots, evidence and witnesses to back up everything I have said here. I have done nothing to you beside have an arguement in the chat more then a week ago and you jumped at the first opportunity to grief me, my base, and my kingdom.
I also have heard that you as a player directly fund "troublemakers" trying to create more chaos then there already is. Including a certain player Amr_the_adv who coincidently is the same player who teleported you directly into my base to start griefing.
I have screenshots, evidence and witnesses to back up everything I have said here. I have done nothing to you beside have an arguement in the chat more then a week ago and you jumped at the first opportunity to grief me, my base, and my kingdom.
I also have heard that you as a player directly fund "troublemakers" trying to create more chaos then there already is. Including a certain player Amr_the_adv who coincidently is the same player who teleported you directly into my base to start griefing.
Your team + you also put lava on me… and griefing… more pike braiking 5 crops and braiking some stone… and claims are not bannable ig so when im unbanned :)
I have screenshots, evidence and witnesses to back up everything I have said here. I have done nothing to you beside have an arguement in the chat more then a week ago and you jumped at the first opportunity to grief me, my base, and my kingdom.
I also have heard that you as a player directly fund "troublemakers" trying to create more chaos then there already is. Including a certain player Amr_the_adv who coincidently is the same player who teleported you directly into my base to start griefing.
Ye and i like to make trouble because its the only fun thing left xD
Just a addon on this

U also have to say what you said to player #1 & #2
thats the reason why it all started ;)
& u should never build in unclaimed land u saw what can happen ;) so be awere of this :)

About a rollback they will NEVER but NEVER do it because you aren't the only player on kingdoms :) A lot of players are playing kingdoms so will be unfair & we should then have to rollback like to the start of kingdoms itself lmao.

and if players want to know, im #player 3 btw lolll
Hello @PotatoIsOurGod,

I have read your full post and will try to help you further in solving your queries and problems regarding the server rules and your other concerns mentioned in your post. Before I elaborate on this, I have to mention that the griefing rules for kingdoms are not the equivalent to the general griefing rules applied server-wide. That is, interpreting these rules often leads to misinterpretation by the fellow player.

The quote below regarding the griefing rule found in the official server rules to consult on the website under the server rules section states the following:

"Griefing is when a player finds a way around the server's protection barriers and destroys another player's work. Griefing can also include griefing close to someone's claim. This punishment does not protect against a player inviting someone to their claim and having their stuff destroyed by the person they trusted.
Kingdoms: Griefing is only allowed on the world Olympus at Kingdoms. Griefing is not allowed in the world Elysium; however, inviting someone to your kingdom is at your own risk!".

To apply the above quote to your outlined situation, this rule offers you protection on:
"Any form of grievance that happens in your claims to elysium this includes building and griefing alongside your claims, killing you in any way and any other way that can be considered griefing internally".

If you see someone breaking these rules, it is advised to capture the situation on video footage. This source is the best kind of evidence to analyse and check who went wrong where and which rules are broken. If you are in possession of a video with this, I advise you to file a report about these players. Just make sure you submit reports with sufficient evidence and you comply with our reporting standards. These can be found on the website under the player reporting section (

examples one and two provided by you are clear examples of griefing. Although example three is not as it does not fall under the protection of the general rule. It is important to be careful with who you allow into your kingdom and who you don't.

You further discussed that you feel one of our server staff members did not handle the situation well. That may be so and that is your own free opinion. If this happens again in the future, you can request a second opinion from another staff member in handling the case or file a report about this staff member if you believe that this staff member did not abide by the staff conduct and favoured the other party when he/she was not supposed to.

I hope my response was able to give you a better picture, and if you have any questions I'd love to hear from you. You can always message me on the forums in a private message, you can reach me on discord, comment below this post or contact me ingame. Finally, you can always leave a suggestion on how we could improve our rules, we'd love to hear it!

Kind regards,
Dark :)
Your team + you also put lava on me… and griefing… more pike braiking 5 crops and braiking some stone… and claims are not bannable ig so when im unbanned :)
My team was killed when you lava trapped us, I haven't griefed a single thing on this server literally ever and even if that was true, it was at the base that I built. I dont know what pike braiking is, and once again this all happened at my base I have screenshots showing all of the above includingScreenshot_20230703-090515_Minecraft.jpg


  • Screenshot_20230703-090519_Minecraft.jpg
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Hello @PotatoIsOurGod,

I have read your full post and will try to help you further in solving your queries and problems regarding the server rules and your other concerns mentioned in your post. Before I elaborate on this, I have to mention that the griefing rules for kingdoms are not the equivalent to the general griefing rules applied server-wide. That is, interpreting these rules often leads to misinterpretation by the fellow player.

The quote below regarding the griefing rule found in the official server rules to consult on the website under the server rules section states the following:

"Griefing is when a player finds a way around the server's protection barriers and destroys another player's work. Griefing can also include griefing close to someone's claim. This punishment does not protect against a player inviting someone to their claim and having their stuff destroyed by the person they trusted.
Kingdoms: Griefing is only allowed on the world Olympus at Kingdoms. Griefing is not allowed in the world Elysium; however, inviting someone to your kingdom is at your own risk!".

To apply the above quote to your outlined situation, this rule offers you protection on:
"Any form of grievance that happens in your claims to elysium this includes building and griefing alongside your claims, killing you in any way and any other way that can be considered griefing internally".

If you see someone breaking these rules, it is advised to capture the situation on video footage. This source is the best kind of evidence to analyse and check who went wrong where and which rules are broken. If you are in possession of a video with this, I advise you to file a report about these players. Just make sure you submit reports with sufficient evidence and you comply with our reporting standards. These can be found on the website under the player reporting section (

examples one and two provided by you are clear examples of griefing. Although example three is not as it does not fall under the protection of the general rule. It is important to be careful with who you allow into your kingdom and who you don't.

You further discussed that you feel one of our server staff members did not handle the situation well. That may be so and that is your own free opinion. If this happens again in the future, you can request a second opinion from another staff member in handling the case or file a report about this staff member if you believe that this staff member did not abide by the staff conduct and favoured the other party when he/she was not supposed to.

I hope my response was able to give you a better picture, and if you have any questions I'd love to hear from you. You can always message me on the forums in a private message, you can reach me on discord, comment below this post or contact me ingame. Finally, you can always leave a suggestion on how we could improve our rules, we'd love to hear it!

Kind regards,
Dark :)
Thank you for the reply, I was aware that griefing inside claims wasn't allowed, but unaware that griefing near claims wasn't.

I realize a lot of this could have been prevented if I had locked down my kingdom early on, but all I wanted was to expand it and as a result have let a bunch of saboteurs into it. I try to be a kingdom that lets anybody who wants a place to be able to play, have a place. But that clearly has been a mistake.
About player #3 I didn't have sufficient evidence early on but when I saw the messages about mole alts I instantly assumed that wasn't allowed. I will continue trying to gather evidence because that player hasn't, and refuses to stop harrassing me and my players. It probably created a bias in my own head as a result when I saw nothing being done about it.

Regarding the rules, all I have been going off of is the spreadsheet supplied in the forums, and it doesn't give any description of what each rule covers so I just had to assume everything. Thank you for supplying that link. I will go check it out and read up on it.

As a result of device limitations, I can't screen capture, but I still can screenshot, which is what I have been doing to supply evidence so far. There's also multiple witnesses for everything that had happened. But I understand those usually don't fall under trusted source.

I have one question about the "building/griefing alongside claims".
Does something like destroying builds that are mostly in a claim but may stick out fall under that?
Example: I built a detailed wall for decoration and to protect my town in elysium, I built before I claimed (which I understand is a mistake) but as a result, the wall sticks a few blocks outside of the claim line. While at the same time as I was reporting player #2 I came back to find it had been partially destroyed and almost completely in some spots.
There are multiple other examples of stuff like that, so I'm wondering if that one falls under the rule.

Regarding the mod: I only can go off what I had perceived, but it made me assume things that I realize may have not been true looking back. It is good to know though that I can request a second opinion, because I kept feeling like my reports and replies kept getting not going to shut down. Thank you for the information though.

About the alt account infiltrating:
Once again I didn't realize that this was within the rules, but it does become tiring having to try to guess what one is fake, especially with the stakes being the destruction of my kingdom. I'm aware that ban evading is not allowed though, and yesterday I saw an alt on at the same time as a certain player was serving out a ban. I didn't capture a direct screenshot though so I have nothing to go off of.

Thanks again for the reply and information/links. I will go read up on them when I have a chance to get a clearer understanding of the rules.
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My team was killed when you lava trapped us, I haven't griefed a single thing on this server literally ever and even if that was true, it was at the base that I built. I dont know what pike braiking is, and once again this all happened at my base I have screenshots showing all of the above includingView attachment 8482
You fr be placed lava on me in this picture xD I placed 7 blocks of wood on your base + broke 10 crops so i could stand in water.. thanks for the proof
I dont know if you looked at the picture, but that's literally you in the middle of destroying my crops+spamming wood. The second one is you in the action of placing lava on me for like the 9th time.
Anyway it doesnt really matter anymore I repaired all the damages you did.

Edit: literally the only time I have placed lava on anybody was once with trekkerskieken after he followed me into my own cobble mine underneath my town. I scooped up the lava he placed on me and put back on him. I'll be honest that was my idea to scoop any lava u placed but i never got the chance cause I couldn't see shi after you set me on fire.
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I dont know if you looked at the picture, but that's literally you in the middle of destroying my crops+spamming wood. The second one is you in the action of placing lava on me for like the 9th time.
Anyway it doesnt really matter anymore I repaired all the damages you did.

Edit: literally the only time I have placed lava on anybody was once with trekkerskieken after he followed me into my own cobble mine underneath my town. I scooped up the lava he placed on me and put back on him. I'll be honest that was my idea to scoop any lava u placed but i never got the chance cause I couldn't see shi after you set me on fire.
Why am i on fire then? You see lava in the background + you have 3 empty buckets in your hotbar…
Thank you for the reply, I was aware that griefing inside claims wasn't allowed, but unaware that griefing near claims wasn't.

I realize a lot of this could have been prevented if I had locked down my kingdom early on, but all I wanted was to expand it and as a result have let a bunch of saboteurs into it. I try to be a kingdom that lets anybody who wants a place to be able to play, have a place. But that clearly has been a mistake.
About player #3 I didn't have sufficient evidence early on but when I saw the messages about mole alts I instantly assumed that wasn't allowed. I will continue trying to gather evidence because that player hasn't, and refuses to stop harrassing me and my players. It probably created a bias in my own head as a result when I saw nothing being done about it.

Regarding the rules, all I have been going off of is the spreadsheet supplied in the forums, and it doesn't give any description of what each rule covers so I just had to assume everything. Thank you for supplying that link. I will go check it out and read up on it.

As a result of device limitations, I can't screen capture, but I still can screenshot, which is what I have been doing to supply evidence so far. There's also multiple witnesses for everything that had happened. But I understand those usually don't fall under trusted source.

I have one question about the "building/griefing alongside claims".
Does something like destroying builds that are mostly in a claim but may stick out fall under that?
Example: I built a detailed wall for decoration and to protect my town in elysium, I built before I claimed (which I understand is a mistake) but as a result, the wall sticks a few blocks outside of the claim line. While at the same time as I was reporting player #2 I came back to find it had been partially destroyed and almost completely in some spots.
There are multiple other examples of stuff like that, so I'm wondering if that one falls under the rule.

Regarding the mod: I only can go off what I had perceived, but it made me assume things that I realize may have not been true looking back. It is good to know though that I can request a second opinion, because I kept feeling like my reports and replies kept getting not going to not going to shut down. Thank you for the information though.

About the alt account infiltrating:
Once again I didn't realize that this was within the rules, but it does become tiring having to try to guess what one is fake, especially with the stakes being the destruction of my kingdom. I'm aware that ban evading is not allowed though, and yesterday I saw an alt on at the same time as a certain player was serving out a ban. I didn't capture a direct screenshot though so I have nothing to go off of.

Thanks again for the reply and information/links. I will go read up on them when I have a chance to get a clearer understanding of the rules.
Im on holiday so it cant be my alt xD idk who else you got banned
Why am i on fire then? You see lava in the background + you have 3 empty buckets in your hotbar…
I literally just explained that, you placed lava underneath me and I tried scooping it up to place it back on you but I couldn't see shi through the fire. We were both there and saw what happened, i have literally no motivation for destroying my own crops on my own farm so I don't know what your trying to say.. if needed i also have a witness for all of this if you really want to go down that road. again though, idrc anymore tbh, this was half a week and everything has been repaired nothing permanent happened.

Edit: I wasn't talking about your alt, believe it or not your not the only one with an alt
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I literally just explained that, you placed lava underneath me and I tried scooping it up to place it back on you but I couldn't see shi through the fire. We were both there and saw what happened, i have literally no motivation for destroying my own crops on my own farm so I don't know what your trying to say.. if needed i also have a witness for all of this if you really want to go down that road. again though, idrc anymore tbh, this was half a week and everything has been repaired nothing permanent happened.

Edit: I wasn't talking about your alt, believe it or not your not the only one with an alt
Bro your trying to sound innocent but you put lava on me aswell lmao why would i put it on myself… you just want to sound the innocent guy… also your kingdom js ugly asf i could make it in 20 minutes -_-
Bro your trying to sound innocent but you put lava on me aswell lmao why would i put it on myself… you just want to sound the innocent guy… also your kingdom js ugly asf i could make it in 20 minutes -_-
Lmao a lot has changed since you got banned. I hope you have been having a nice last 4 days, I know I sure have :D .
I know it may be hard to comprehend that people can think ahead, but I have openly admitted that my goal was to scoop up any lava you placed and put it back on you. That's not me "trying to sound innocent" I'm stating exactly what happened and I don't understand what your trying to deny/claim.
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