Proof from me being guard

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yo hi izhappy, by the way sad to hear u got blacklisted from fox, and by the way i renamed my alt account after ur name = Izhappy :)
have a nice day xD
blacklisted for something i never did btw. and ugly alt name
I remember as well, I sadly do not have any proof of you being a guard.

Justinc2522 & Tmkendall.
Staff manager damn :D I already got accepted, but I feel like I might come back to Foxcraft also since there’s still a lot of og’s
Hello guys!
I haven’t been Foxcraft in a long time, but nice to be back! I’m not advertising in any way, but for another server where I applied for staff, it would be nice if I could have any type of proof from me being guard in prison (I think 2 maps ago) my name was NowandaZ/GodOfNowa

If the staff has any proof or something or if you remember me, please comment to this thread!

Ty guys, I’ll be more than grateful
Hey I might have some proof im checking :D
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