Proify Falsed Banned (Mechz Request) #HelpProify

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This is dumb. I could go ahead and post a long as story giving my opinion and explaining the statements made in my opinion, but that would be a waste of my time honestly.. The community makes mistakes, the staff makes mistakes. End of story, if the player wants to appeal he can go ahead and do that, no reason to make an open thread taunting staff members.
Or staff dont know what hacks is
oh right because staff are so **** they can't tell what is hacks and what is not, and they can't handle the embarrassment lol. When they realised they falsely banned.
No Kenny its because we warned him many times to stop and he obviously can't listen so he got banned after doing it multiple times
Do NOT interfere with staff Administrations business, I don't care if you're Hard2lose / Proify's friend or not, Do not question or criticize on our decision.
Creating threads like these doesn't help us nor will it help unbanning Hard2lose / Proify in-fact it might just do the opposite.

Hard2lose / Proify has claimed of fake hacking before, Was it to trick staff members? Probably not but if we see a player that's out of the ordinary, Who purposely try's to look like a hacker then we're going to ban them because we think they're hacking eg. afking and pretending to hit players will most likely look like a player has Kill Aura, Simple isn't it? Let me clarify one thing... THIS is volunteering, We don't get paid to staff Foxcraft but we dedicate our time to help this community, We sacrifice our time so you can have a better experience when you're online. We respond to your reports, suggestions, appeals and your donation supports so keep in mind the next time you try to call us lazy or dumb when you're creating your next helper application.

When players troll (fake hack) it's annoying, It actually takes a lot more time to deal with trolls than dealing with real hackers because trolls usually record their perspective of the game, They know they're most likely going to get banned, We then have to review our footage and their footage and compare them, Our staff members have different time-zones and commitments so we have to wait till they're on and discuss further on a players ban. There's a lot more that goes on, It's not all about making pretty looking appeal, It's all time consuming when we can use this time to ban actual hackers.

Hard2lose / Proify was simply banned because a player had reported them for hacking, A staff member came on, Watched the player "Hacking" and banned him.

Did a staff member do their job? Yes.
Was the player actually hacking? No.
Was the player trolling, pretending to hack? Yes
Did the player create a ban appeal? Yes
Was the ban appeal good? No.

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