[POLL] What does the future of KitPVP withhold?

Do you want this as an update on kitpvp?

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    Votes: 18 62.1%
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    Votes: 11 37.9%

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New Member
Jul 23, 2019

Hello Foxes, after endless thinking to innovate KitPVP to the best it can possibly be. We have came up with the following solution.

Make it more skill based, rather than get a kit, get someone low and someone else swiping your kill then dying due to the regeneration loss, we think it may be better if we introduce some sort of regeneration way into the game! When you spawn there will be a way to change from soup kits, to potion kits, depending on your style of play.

There will also be a way to edit your own kits to how you feel like it should. If you feel like your sword should be in slot 5, there will be an editing station in spawn that will save that kit foundation, upon reboots, logouts and that sort of agenda.

There will be stations around the map that will let you pull soup out of them but beware! They can go out of stock for up to 120 seconds. This will make it so you won't stay around these stations and farm them to stay alive. This will all be in a new experimental field in a new kitpvp play format!

Below are a few kits that can be added straight off the bat, with endless possibilities to create new ones:

Armour: Noteblock Helmet, Diamond Chestplate, Diamond Leggings, Diamond Boots
Abilities: Immune to explosions, Permanent Slowness I
Inventory: Diamond Sword, Sharpness I, 35 regeneration choice

Armour: TNT Helmet, Leather Chestplate, Leggings, and Boots all Unbreaking XXX, Protection III
Abilities: Immune to explosives, Throw tnt at enemies, or stick it to them to blow them up! Get random tnt every so often if you have none.
Inventory: Iron Sword (Sharpness II, Unbreaking I), x2 TNT, x34 regeneration choice

Armour: Endstone Helmet, Iron Chestplate, Iron Leggings, Leather Boots (Protection III, Unbreaking XXX)
Abilities: Ride enderpearls, with the ability to unmount mid flight!
Inventory: Diamond Sword (Sharpness I), x5 Enderpearl, x34 regeneration choice.

Armour: Enderportal Helmet, Iron Chestplate, Leather Leggings, Iron Boots
Abilities: Create portals!
Inventory: Diamond Sword (Sharpness I), Portal Creator, x34 regeneration choice.

These are a few concept kits and will always be improved and introducing more as the days go by, and keeping the current kits too!
Be sure to suggest your kits in the comments below!

We will be introducing more kits, such as tank with debuffs, AND less op kits that will give you special abilities, wanna go invisible until you enter combat? Let's do it! This is in no way is to remove the customization that we offer on KitPVP at the moment, want to try trap players? Use a portal kit to send players to a specific location when they enter the portal, and send them back if they walk back through it!

With this type of update there will be better statistics, and better visualization of new gimics! View your day to day K/D Ratio, view your all time and so much more!

What would change on the store you may ask, we would introduce special non-statistical kits that will not effect any players K/D, and any other statistics we decide to track, with the ability to purchase "kit coins".

I want to get a new kit, do I need to pay? No! Everyone will get a default of 5 kits, new kits can then be unlocked by using "kit coins"!

How do I get kit coins? You will earn a radiation of kit coins per kill. We will put in safeguarding in place to prevent alt killing, and much more.

Where will my blocks go that I earned for killing players? They will go into a special vault that will be accessible by a banker at Spawn! You can then withdraw these to use in the plot world.

If you think this sounds like a great idea please vote at the top of the thread!

Also checkout my introduction thread here: HERE

Thank you,
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Here are some of my own kit suggestions:

- Grappling hook kit
- Medic kit (get 15 seconds of regeneration 2 when killing enemy, instead of normal 10)
- Beastmaster (Spawn hostile mobs with mob eggs, mobs do not attack user, mobs do not catch on fire because of daytime)
do you suppose this update will gross the amount of players kitpvp will get
I’d be okay with it except some people aren’t good with soups. there are some where if you run out in your hot bar they can click it down really fast, but then there are others (like me) who can’t shift click it down very good
Sounds good, however tank kit seems a bit over powered and it directly counters the bomberman kit. Maybe replace the diamond sword with an iron one?
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Big minus, Start with a good anticheat like, Lunar or MMC has, then start making the KITPVP, its so stupid that good players get banned without reason...Second
When you have like speed 2 on kitpvp you will automatically get anticheat banned because the anticheat thinks its reach= STUPID
Third thing: Why Kits need to be so HARD planned, we need like pair kits with pots/soups or without those... Imagine having 34 soups? how you can even earn money if you fight same people 3mins straight... wow and then you kill him you earn 10$ // great you will need to play whole day to get anything.
also the kitpvp needs to be only with one version or max 1.7-1.8 otherwise it will be dead in week because of lags and other version lags...

Just delete the kitpvp and make skywars,.. more funny with that gamemode... or then make good kitpvp without that server bullshit... ''you get server lagged'' or ''anticheat banned without reason''

-0sxar aka best nodebuff
Big minus, Start with a good anticheat like, Lunar or MMC has, then start making the KITPVP, its so stupid that good players get banned without reason...Second
When you have like speed 2 on kitpvp you will automatically get anticheat banned because the anticheat thinks its reach= STUPID
Third thing: Why Kits need to be so HARD planned, we need like pair kits with pots/soups or without those... Imagine having 34 soups? how you can even earn money if you fight same people 3mins straight... wow and then you kill him you earn 10$ // great you will need to play whole day to get anything.
also the kitpvp needs to be only with one version or max 1.7-1.8 otherwise it will be dead in week because of lags and other version lags...

Just delete the kitpvp and make skywars,.. more funny with that gamemode... or then make good kitpvp without that server bullshit... ''you get server lagged'' or ''anticheat banned without reason''

-0sxar aka best nodebuff
ill drop u
Big minus, Start with a good anticheat like, Lunar or MMC has, then start making the KITPVP, its so stupid that good players get banned without reason...Second
When you have like speed 2 on kitpvp you will automatically get anticheat banned because the anticheat thinks its reach= STUPID
Third thing: Why Kits need to be so HARD planned, we need like pair kits with pots/soups or without those... Imagine having 34 soups? how you can even earn money if you fight same people 3mins straight... wow and then you kill him you earn 10$ // great you will need to play whole day to get anything.
also the kitpvp needs to be only with one version or max 1.7-1.8 otherwise it will be dead in week because of lags and other version lags...

Just delete the kitpvp and make skywars,.. more funny with that gamemode... or then make good kitpvp without that server bullshit... ''you get server lagged'' or ''anticheat banned without reason''

-0sxar aka best nodebuff
We already utilize a good anticheat. Have you read yesterdays post?
Also what is up with this nonsense that multi version support causes lag haha, it doesnt cause any lag whatsoever.
Big minus, Start with a good anticheat like, Lunar or MMC has, then start making the KITPVP, its so stupid that good players get banned without reason...Second
When you have like speed 2 on kitpvp you will automatically get anticheat banned because the anticheat thinks its reach= STUPID
Third thing: Why Kits need to be so HARD planned, we need like pair kits with pots/soups or without those... Imagine having 34 soups? how you can even earn money if you fight same people 3mins straight... wow and then you kill him you earn 10$ // great you will need to play whole day to get anything.
also the kitpvp needs to be only with one version or max 1.7-1.8 otherwise it will be dead in week because of lags and other version lags...

Just delete the kitpvp and make skywars,.. more funny with that gamemode... or then make good kitpvp without that server bullshit... ''you get server lagged'' or ''anticheat banned without reason''

-0sxar aka best nodebuff

Custom abilities we do, are are able to patch any false positives given by them quickly and easily. If this update goes through, this will just be the start to an evolution.
How about this:
Start with a good platform with pair kits and look how people think about it: (BETA) ???
Then start asking people what things should add or remove?
Then start making polls and stuff

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