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New Member
Mar 13, 2016
Some Where
On Sky block Glacier I /ci my op pic thus i wanted to get rid of other stuff and didn't realised it was in my inventory until after i did it.Can Staff undo clear inventory PLZ i would do anything for my pic back!!
TY to all those who reply =l
Im sorry there is nothing I and the staff can do about it, it happens all the time to me and it's so frustrating.
Im sorry there is nothing I and the staff can do about it, it happens all the time to me and it's so frustrating.
Is it possible for him to get his stuff back, op-staff can rollback someones /ci if i'm not mistaken.
i really want this pic back cause it had fortune 6 and now the max for fortune is 3 and if u try to upgrade it, it goes back to 3 so rip me =l
Unless you had a video recording when you did it we CANNOT do anything as there is no proof I believe unless Leon is nice to you today.
WHY WOULD I RECORED MYSELF /ci MY FORTUNE 6 anyhow i was meant to use /echest but i was thinking of not doing /ci and it happened ;-;
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